Blackinnon - Haunted

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You and I walk a fragile line I have known it all this time,

"God Sirius you can't honestly pretend you thought we would last? You can not stand there and tell me, Marlene Mckinnon the biggest Hogwarts slut in history, and you, Sirius Black would last in an actual attempt at a relationship? You can not tell me that you honestly thought we could last and be a happy 'couple' for the rest of the year? Well newsflash Black, we are not Lily and James and we are not 'soulmates' or any of that absolute crap! The whole relationship was a huge risk and I was stupid to think it would work!" Marlene screams at Sirius across the common room, tears streaming down her angry face.

but I never thought I'd live to see it break

Sirius runs his hands through his hair in exasperation, how could he let this happen? How could he let the only important thing in his life crumble beneath him? He had never expected them to last but the longer him and Marlene had stayed together the better it seemed to work."Christ Marlene! What do you want me to say? Do you want me to pretend everything's okay and everyone is happy? You want me to say that this is easy?" Sirius' voice was raised as he shouted.The common room was nearly empty now, for everyone had scarpered as quickly as they could from the raging couple.

It's getting dark and it's all too quiet, And I can't trust anything now, And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

Neither of the two could bare to speak another word, for all trust between the two had evaporated. Marlene stood by the window watching the rain fall outside, she wished her and Sirius had never started the whole relationship as their friends had encouraged them. She wished they could go back to the flirting and the late night cuddles in the boys dorm, the fun and lack of seriousness that had come with the pair. However everything had gotten difficult with the war raging on.

Oh, I'm holding my breath, Won't lose you again, something's made your eyes go cold

Sirius watches Marlene from afar, to scared to go near to the strong-willed girl that would hex him if he got to close. Sirius knew one thing. He could not lose Marlene, she was everything to him, he wouldn't be able to cope in this lonely war without her, but her eyes were no longer tear stained, they were cold and empty, hopeless.

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out, Something's gone terribly wrong, You're all I wanted,

"Come on Marlene, we can't leave things like this, we were finally figuring things out!" Sirius was not giving up the best part of his life this easily, if he had to fight for her he would. "Fuck Black, why did you do it then? You were all I wanted but it clearly wasn't mutual, you wanted that Ravenclaw in the year below much more last time I checked" She fired back.Sirius' face sharpened, her words stung, "How many times do I have to apologise? I'm sorry okay? It was a mistake..I can't lose you Marls" Sirius trailed off shaking his head.

She turned to face him, "But you already have."

*Song is Haunted by Taylor Swift, I will take requests for songs and ships:)*

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