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"Marlene do you want another drink?" Lily asked grabbing the two glasses and the bottle of firewhiskey from the kitchen counter.

"God, thats exactly what I need right now" Marlene said thankfully as she took the glass off Lily.

"One for me too please Evans," Sirius called through as he came into the kitchen and slid his hands round Marlene's waist.

"How is he?" Lily asked cautiously, referring to Remus, who was particularly weak after a full moon.

"He's not doing well, but other than eating chocolate I'm not sure what else we can do to help him at this point." Sirius sighed, "cheers guys" he said as the three toasted to their brave friend.

"I'm going to go check on him before we leave Marls" Sirius said before leaving the room.

Both girls drank to the toast before Marlene looked up, eyes wide. "Oh god no.. Lily how many glasses have we had?" She asked, eyes darting around the room.

"Err I'm not too sure, not enough though" Lily laughed before looking up at her friend, whose face was full of alarm.

"I think I'm going to be sick" Marlene exclaimed clutching her stomach.

"Woah, woah! Whats wrong? Firewhiskey has never made you ill before, I mean you've been drinking this stuff for years!" Lily said in distress as she watched her friends face go from alarmed to full blown panic.

Marlene paced the room, eyebrows furrowed whilst any worries Lily had had previously about Remus were long gone, for she had never seen her friend quite like this before. Lily searched her mind for something Marlene might have forgotten to do that would be so important that she could get so wound up but found herself back at the start, there was nothing. Well nothing that she knew about at least. Lilys mind was racing as she counted the times she had seen Marlene like this, only once before. When Marlene had thought she was-

"Oh my god." Lily gasped rushing into the pantry and grabbing a cauldron. "Jesus Marlene what the hell! Are you okay?!" She said moving at a pace Marlene had never witnessed before. Before Marlene was aware of what was going on she had been shoved into a kitchen seat and the door had been locked and silenced.

"How far along?" Lily fired at the shocked Marlene.

"What - What do you mean?" Marlene choked out.

"Marlene we do not have time for this. How long have you known that you're pregnant?" The usual kind and caring Lily was lost in a flurry of panic and alarm.

"I'm 3 months along" She whispered holding her head in her hands.

Lily stopped and stared at her friend, how on earth could anyone keep anything like this a secret? For this long?

"When did you think you were going to tell Sirius?" Lily said, her big green eyes shining.

"I don't know okay! I don't even know if it's his.." You could barely hear Marlene's voice as her hand moved to cover her mouth, unbelieving what she had just spoken.

Lily didn't blink, "not what I asked. You do know that this secret couldn't have stayed a secret for much longer I assume? Actually that's what I want to know, how have you kept this from Sirius? I understand me and James, we barely see you at the moment but you bloody live with the guy!" Lily was gathering ingredients now her mind working overtime to figure it all out.

"you'd be surprised.."

"Do you mean to tell me that you and Sirius haven't had sex in over three months?! Holy crap Marlene what is going on? Explain, you can't expect me to work all of this out myself!" A frustrated Lily continues to make the potion, as she waits for Marlene to explain. Marlene sighed before starting on her explanation.

"Me and Sirius had an argument, worse than usual. He had said all the things he could to upset me, and it worked. He was going on about how heartless I was, how I had no feelings, and things escalated. We were screaming in the end Lils, he was crying and then he was angry that I wasn't crying and things weren't going well, needless to say. In the end I asked him why he was with me and he couldn't reply so I told him we were over, end of. And I left. Went to some muggle bar down the street and found someone to keep me company for an hour or two.."

Marlene trailed off her eyes never leaving the kitchen counter in front of her. At this point Lily had slowed and was listening very carefully to what her friend was saying.

"When I went to his apartment the next morning he was begging for me back, listing all the things he loved about me and it felt so good to be back in his arms, I felt safe again. We spent hours talking and things eventually got heated and before I knew it me and Sirius were back to normal, drinking, laughing and-"

"Yes I think I know what's coming.. Carry on?"

"So like I say things were normal again, but I didn't tell him. I thought I didn't need to! It was a low moment that shouldn't be remembered, hell I barely remember it. And then I was late, at first I thought nothing of it, I mean I've been late plenty of times before right? And then I couldn't keep down any of my food, and I was being sick in the morning. Lost all motivation, well what motivation I have.. I never took a test but I know. I can feel it Lils, hell. As far as the sex with Sirius goes I've just not let him see me in the light for a while, but he knows something is up."

Lily poured the potion into a fresh glass and looked up at Marlene, "This is going to taste horrible, but there's nothing else I can do.."

"What am I going to do?" Marlene asked her friend.

"How much longer can you keep this from Sirius?" Lily cautiously asked.

Marlene blinked, then lifted up the oversized shirt she had been wearing, to reveal her stomach, which was starting to swell.

"God, this is real isn't it?" Marlene asked.

"Yeah it is." Lily said, with a sad smile.

Marlene groaned. "I'll get a paternity test tomorrow, and all we can do is hope and pray that it's his."

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