First Day Back [1]

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I took a deep breath before running through the wall that separated the muggles from platform 9 and 3/4. I was ready to face my last year at Hogwarts, ready to make it the best so far. Platform 9 and 3/4 was busy, as it was now nearing time to board the train, I was nearly late. Already. I moved towards the train but before I knew it I had been rugby tackled by Lily.

"MARLS!!!" She screeched, ecstatic to be back at school. I had first met Lily in first year, when we had been put into the same house, and we had immediately hit it off. She pulled back from the hug and raised her eyebrows, "Woah, how much can a girl change in a couple of months?!"

"A lot apparently!" I shot back laughing. "Come on, lets go find everyone?" I asked, meaning the marauders as I pulled her onto the train.

We had grown closer to the boys last summer, when Lily had finally accepted to spend time with James, which I was thrilled about. I had known James all my life, as our families are friends and I had been rooting for the couple to get together since first year. They worked so well together, and our groups had merged so easily.  Although James and Lily weren't official yet, they might as well be, they did everything that couples did. 

We were soon on the train, and soon found the compartment with the marauders where I spotted a very tanned Sirius Black, it looked like I wasn't the only one who had changed over the months we had been away. Sirius had always been attractive, and had no problem getting attention from girls at school but I had always brushed off their comments, however I could now see what they saw. He sat near the window, in his leather jacket and tight ripped black jeans. His hair was messy and his jawbones more defined than ever. 

"Hey Mckinnon," He smirked, patting the space next to him. I moved and sat next to him as the rest of the group greeted each other. 

"Nice to see you to Black." I shot back, one eyebrow raised.

"Our last year at Hogwarts guys.." James sadly announced one arm placed around Lily as though he could shield her from harm.

"Lets make it a good one," I said pulling out a bottle of fire whisky. I mean how else would you start 7th year? The group laughed as I drank from the bottle before passing it to Sirius. 

Lily caught my eye from next to James and raised her eyebrows, I shrugged in return. 

The group was soon chatting and I found myself asking where Sirius had been over summer. 

"So how on earth did you get this tanned?" I asked tracing my finger along his arm.

"Forced to spend the holidays with my cousins, you know.." 

"Ah yes, Bellatrix! Lovely girl" I grinned, my voice full of sarcasm. 

"Don't even get me started, she drove me insane. She is completely psychopathic."

The conversations about summer continued and before long they had arrived at Hogwarts. Lily pulled Marlene away from the group of boys and muttered something about trunks to James. 

"Did you see that?" Lily asked her voice concerned.

"What? James all over you? Hard to miss Lils.."

"No you idiot! Sirius was so flirting with you!"

"Are you kidding?"

Just as Marlene began to deny it, Sirius ran up behind her picking her up as he passed and flinging her over his shoulder.

"So.. This is going to be a long year huh?" Remus said looking at the pair flirting up ahead, and James who was oblivious, and Pete who was trailing after Emmeline desperate for her attention.

AN: just part of a series I was considering starting, maybe it will continue maybe it won't.. I do already have a marauders story at the moment so I will probably hold off, but if I don't you will see the next one with the number two like this : [2] :)

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