chapter 10 because galaxy and snazzy are singing shit i don't understand

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gay uno reverse card

clementine, lamp, snazzy, and marissa had long ago settled in. they had snuck into an old shed in the middle of a tall grass field. the shed was a beat-up brown wood color with peeling white and gray paint scattered across its falling apart finishes, but it was better than outside. they had all lay on the floor, snazzy and marissa nearly on top (:smirk:) of each other and clementine and lamp laying next to each other. lamp had lit a fire, so crackling embers and smoke filled the heated air. the four were glad that the room gave an excuse for their flushed faces when someone said something flirty or suggestive.

clementine stole a glance at lamp. the fire illuminated their stone features and gave them an intimidating look (why tf has this chapter been serious so far), their sharp nose glowing orange and top lip coated in shadow. clementine sighed and looked over to marissa to find her friend tracing circles in snazzy's fur contentedly. she cracked a small smile at the sight of her high and lonely friend finding love.

clementine's attention was turned back to the dancing orange and yellow flames in front of her. she had to lift her chin up to see the flickering flames, but the sight that met her was worth the uncomfortable feeling in her neck (moth with a double chin pog?). The fire looked like a thousand performers in layered skirts, twirling and leaping and sinking to the floor before rising with unrivaled grace. it looked like flowers being twirled and tossed as if they weighed nothing, but sinking to the floor quickly. 

she let her head fall backward and stared up at the shed's ceiling. it was fairly stable, the old, calloused wood protecting the group from most of the chilly winter air. but some of the panels had fallen in, and the night sky peeked in. freckled with stars, the black sky reminded clementine she should sleep.

"hey" a deep voice muttered in her ear and scared the living shit out of her like she actually shat hersel-

"hey" a deep voice muttered in her ear. clementine jumped.

"hey" she pulled a wing up to muffle her laughter at the stupid situation. here she was, sitting in a broken shed with who she presumed to be the love to her life and friends while she marinated in her want for the fucking lamp god it's a lamp.

"why are you up" lamp's voice cracked on the last syllable. clementine couldn't contain her laughter as lamp frowned at her, a ghost of a smile playing at her lips.

a long and heavy sniff then short snort interrupted them. they turned to see marissa, eyes wide and bloodshot, hovered over white powder. 

"ayo tf??" clementine brushed the remaining powder away from marissa and shook her head. marissa's eyes were blurry and muddled and her nose was starting to bleed lightly. she gave clementine a small smile before laying down next to snazzy.

"uhh" lamp looked at marissa and back at clementine. "is she ok"

"no" clementine said flatly. "let's sleep" she wrapped a wing around lamp. they returned the gesture and pulled clementine into their chest.

she smiled and snuggled into lamp. clementine slept soundly for the first time in a long while.

this chapter wasn't funny or good i just wanted to make something but hey vvtinm does crack in it so 


but hey i did it correctly this time vvtinm vvtinm vvtinm haha i'm annoying you

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