chapter 12 because snazzy and marissa are bitches

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snazzy's nose lifted into the frigid air. "ayo it smells like drugs" the cat lowered his wet nose and looked around.

"ahaha sorry that's me" marissa 

lmao i found this in my drafts from over three months ago idk why i thought snazzy and marissa were bitches but i'm keeping the title

"ahaha sorry that's me" marissa said. she slung an arm over snazzy's back and smiled drunkenly. snazzy sighed, his expression a mixture of laughter and annoyment. the group kept walking along, one of them shivering in the cold every once and a while.

eventually, they reached a small, frozen-over pond. their reflections, turned messy from surface cracks in the ice, bounced back into their visions. snazzy's eyes seemed to catch something and he pounced at the ice.

"BITCH ISTFG THE NEXT TIME YOU DO THAT IM GOING TO CHOP UR BALLS OFF" clementine shouted. snazzy smirked like a little fuckboy before seeing her expression and fucking sobbibng.

"sorry clementine i just saw a really hot fish down there" snazzy sniffled like an ipad kid and began sobbing even louder.

"ok fine get the fish i wont chop ur ballls off just hurry up" clementine said, exasperated. snazzy meowed awkwardly and broke the ice and pulled the fish out. the fish flopped around before resting in the snow.

"i am a magical fish" the fish said. "i can talk, breathe air, walk, be named galaxy, use they/them pronouns, and im sexy"

"TRUE" snazzy said. clementine pointed at his balls and slowly dragged her finger across her neck. snazzy's smile dropped.

"do you want to be my friend and maybe go out with me" snazzy did the little pointy finger thing. clementine pulled out scissors and snazzy grabbed his balls.

"ok" galaxy said. they walked over and grabbed snazzy's hand with their fin. "lets go gang"

marissa, lamp, and clementine looked at each other before continuing ahead, following snazzy and his new fish partner.

snazzyvibes vvtinm Furry-Gorl wow

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