Chapter 27

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Caleb and I walk back to the group after spending time with our parents. Some reason spending time with them made me feel better after what happened in the simulation. The group notices us when we emerge from the rose gardens.

"You guys alright?" Tori asks.

"What's Operation Divergent?" I plainly ask.

"Where did you hear that?" Amar asks.

"It was the assignment my parents died on," I say.

"Tris," Amar says walking over to me, he is at least a head and a half taller so I do have to look up, "Evelyn can never know that you know what Operation Divergent is. Whatever you or any of us know is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm told it goes way deeper and it's as old as Allegiant itself."

"Oh yeah? Rumour has it we are going to finish that mission my parents started. So I want to know what it is. I'm fairly sure you were the one who told me when I was younger that 'knowledge was half the battle', I want to be prepared so I don't suffer the same fate," I say to him firmly.

Will pulls out his phone and types stuff into it. We all look at him weirdly. A moment later Al begins to do the same.

"Do we have to ask or are you going to explain what you are doing?" Shauna says.

"Well technically you did ask them Shauna," Uriah says.

"Hacking into their system. We can by pass mainframes and security to get that file. It needs decryption...." Al says.

"In English?" I ask.

Will and Al look at each other with amused expressions.

"Okay um. I'm going to use my phone and sort of text my way through to get to your files...okay?" Will says.

I smile and reply "okay."

Christina, Marlene and Shauna squeal, "The fault in our stars!"

I roll my eyes.

"How long is this going to take may I ask?" I say.

"Close to.....2 hours," Al says.

"Well I ain't waiting around for 2 hours," I say and I leave the circle and head back towards the mansion.

"Tris what are you doing?" I hear Tobias ask. Of course he followed me.

"I'm trying to get a good advantage point," I say.


"Finding out files and information the old school way without the use of technology."

"Well if you insist I'm coming with you and by the way you are going to the wrong way," he says.

I turn to face him. His face is smooth probably from the tears that he has shed.

"And which way is the treasure cove of secrets?" I say.

He smirks and gestures for me to follow him. Instead of going through the mansion we end up going to the side where there is a brick wall. I stand there confused at what we are doing here when Tobias gently presses a brick in and a door accompanied by a corridor is formed. (Because every agent story needs one of these!)

I stand there very impressed with the whole secret passage.

"We found this on accident. When we were younger we were playing soccer here and the ball hit the brick so we went exploring. And we managed to find your 'treasure cove of secrets'" he says mockingly.

I scoff at him and he leads us down the dark corridor. I'm not afraid of the dark but even so I slip my small hand in to Tobias' large one and he leads me down the corridor. We were walking for 5 mins and all I could think of is what I would find. It was like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

There were various metal doors on either side of this passage each equip with a slide bolt to conceal the secrets.

"They are in alphabetical so the one you want to find will be the first one," he says leading me to the first door.

He gestures for me to open the door. My hand hesitantly reaches out and slides the lock out of place and I push the heavy metal door open. It opens with the creaking of the hinges.

The room is old and dusty. Silver file cabinates are arranged in rows. Tobias flicks a light switch and an errie glow of the light bulb springs to life above us.

There it is. The row that conceals all the files begining with D. I walk over to that row. Tobias stands at the door way watching my every move.

I open the first file cabinet. The paper that are in these things look I swear at least 100 years old. They are in those looseleaf files with tags at the top which read their names. I finger through the thick files, the last one in there was Operation Deathshot.

On that happy note I close the cabinet and head over to the next one and do the same. The last file of this next one was Operation Digit. I was getting close. Third time's the charm right?

The third one that I opened was the one. It was the only file in the cabinet. It was a medium thickness but it was puzzling to why it was the only one. And there printed in the tab above the name read, Operation Divergent.

"I found it," I called over to Tobias.

"Okay let's bring it up to the group and see if we've beaten the guy's time at hacking," he says.

I know that I should but I couldn't resist.

"Wait, I'm going to open it," I say.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I say.

My trembling fingers lift the file from its resting spot and brings it to the top of the cabinet. I open the looseleaf file and begin to read.

No wonder my parents died.


What is Tris going to find?

Sorry it is a short chapter everyone <3 <4

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Keep smiling! :)

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