Chapter 10

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Ash's P.O.V

Strangely I found a book called:

'Werewolfs for Vampires'.

I shrugged, plopped down in a arm chair and began to read.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I finally found my phone right as the song ended

It was in the bathroom, that I never acknowledged, across from my 'bed' in a drawer.

They obviously don't care.


~Gasp~ We can call for help!!

Were not going to though.

I stare at my phone.

What!? Why the fuck not?!?! I wanna go home!!!

So do I but I also want to stick to the plan.

Of course you do.

Suddenly my phone goes off again. Except this time its my dad?!

Dude, you have to answer it!!

I know.

I push the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hi dad."

"(Y/n) where the hell are you?!?!?!" Of course he would yell.

"Whale you see I was kinda kidnapped by Vampires..." I trailed off letting him soak that in.



There you go my lovelies, chapter 10.

I'm working on chapter 11 currently, please be patient.

Have a wonderful day my Lovely Baenanas <3

Forbidden Love (Vampire! Andy Biersack x Werewolf! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now