Chapter 1

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I step out from behind the tree my stuff was stashed in.

That was a long full moon!

Yup, but I had fun!

I pull out my ipod, put my earbuds in, put on The End Of Heartache by Killswitch Engage and I start walking back to the pack house.

~Time skip~

About halfway there Lost it all by Black veil Brides came on. I begin to notice loud footsteps (besides mine) over the piano.

What the-?

Dude someone's following us!!

I stop walking and the footsteps stop.

Told ya.

I sigh. I get out my ipod, pause the song, then I continue walking. The footsteps continued as well.

'What is going on? Please dont tell me i have a fucking stalker' I think as i begin to run.


So theres the first chapter, please tell me what you think.

Forbidden Love (Vampire! Andy Biersack x Werewolf! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now