Chapter 23

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Andy's P.O.V.

I came to with the guys hovering over me.
I sat up groaning in Pain as I look around, "what happened?"
"Well, you see.." Ash begins, "Y/N is a werewolf."
"What?" I scoff, "that can't be true. Y/N couldn't be... could she?.."
"I saw it with my own eyes." Ash said.
Jake comes from upstairs, "She locked her bedroom door. Should we break it down?" He asks.
"No no. let's leave her be for tonight. We all need to think on this." I said.
"Okay." Jake says reluctantly.
"We should all just go to bed." Jinx suggests.
"Yeah good idea." Ash agrees.
And we all file upstairs to our bedrooms.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache.
Jesus we can't catch a break can we?
Guess not.
I sneak downstairs to get some aspirin hoping the guys weren't up. Thankfully they weren't.
I go to the kitchen, get a cup and the bottle of aspirin out of the cupboard.
I fill the cup with water and grab two pills and pop them into my mouth downing them with the water.
Heaving a sigh of satisfaction after I finish drinking the water.
I tossed the cup into the sink and turn to leave the kitchen only to find five vampires in my way.
"Y/N, we need to talk."

*Unholy pterodactyl screeching*
I am so so so so sorry guys!
There's just been so much drama going on right now!
I cannot express how sorry I am like I am legit in tears right now, I'm so sorry.
You guys probably hate me right now and I would hate me too. (ToT)

Forbidden Love (Vampire! Andy Biersack x Werewolf! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now