Chapter 11

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"Open the pack link. We will find you." He said.

Cassie began begging me to listen to him, but I ignored her.

"No! Dad!! I have a plan." I say quickly.

"I don't care if you have a plan. Open the pack link." He said using his alpha voice this time. (Yup, ur dad is the alpha. Suck it up buttercup.)

Cassie winced and whimpered.

I hate it when he does that.

"No Dad! I know where I am-" he cut me off

"Where?" He demanded.


I huffed, "L.A."

"L.A.?! That's four days away. Five if we stop to rest. Don't worry sweetie I'll get together a group of the best warriors an-" It was my turn to cut him off.

Whoa there! Slow down poppa.

"Dad! Listen!!! I already have a plan. I'm gonna wait until the full moon, then attack." I explain quickly.

"But there vampires." He growls.

"There noob vampires." I correct him, "so they don't know what I am."

Hehe, noobs.

I could hear him getting frustrated, "The full moon is two months away! And your birthday is next week!"

"Yeah, I'll be eighteen. (If ur not 18. O'whale, pretend.) My wolf will be stronger-" he cuts me off again.

"And eighteen its when you're supposed to find your mate." He reminds me.

Yay for mee!! Cassie sing songs.

"Yeah, but I can wait two more months to find my mate." I state.

I can't, Cassie whines.

He sighs, "Alright,  much as I don't like it, we will go with your plan."

"Really?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes. Don't let any off them bite you!" He warns.

Um hell naw!!!

"I won't. I'll make sure there fed."

Heh like dogs.

"Okay. Do the accursed vampires have there powers?" He asks.

Accursed? What are we in the fourteenth century?

"I don't think. They know they have super speed, superhuman strength, and can read minds. They can't read my mind though because Cassie isn't blocked." I explain.

"Okay then."

I hear knocking at the door to the room.

Oh! Shit!!

"Hey Dad I have to go. Everything is fine, but someone is knocking. I love you. Bye!" I quickly whispered to him and hung up.

I pulled the lever (IDK) on the toilet.

"One moment!" I call.

I turned on the sink faucet, quickly but quietly ran into the room and hid my phone in my pillow case, then quickly but quietly ran back turning off the faucet.

That was way too much work just to hide the phone.


I then walk to the door, unlock it, and open it to see Ash, his back to me, awkwardly standing there with a book under his arm.


What will happen next???... Actually I already know *evil laughter*

I had to rewrite this chapter cause wattpad was being a whore.

I made this a bit longer so yw.

Thank you for reading and I love you my Lovely Baenanas!

<3 <3 <3

Forbidden Love (Vampire! Andy Biersack x Werewolf! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now