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He fell in front of me passing out. I looked up confused and... saw La Fe?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why are you sitting there ready to die?" She gave me a glare which didn't matter because I was relieved.

"Oh- I'm because..." I forgot what I was going to say.

"Forget it. Get up." She put out her hand.

"No, I mean what brought you here?"

"Are you seriously going to be like that when you were literally dying?" She asked and I realized... that I actually couldn't get up.


"Ah... You are never serious." She nodded in disbelief and pulled me up.

"But I don't understand what happened. Basically, in his words, I killed someone. But who? How?" I asked and La Fe gave me side-eye. Am I being unserious? "What?"

"I thought you already figured it out. It's actually all set up to make you crazy and end up dying or something like that."

"These... All... Things...?"


"And you? You knew these all the time?"

"Obviously NO! How bad do you think I am?!!" She snapped at me, and I blinked.

"Oh right..." She gave me another side-eye. "What now?"

"I'm basically a girl on vacation with my uncle but didn't know I would be brought here and for something like this. I'm so disappointed in my uncle."

"Who's your uncle?"

"Mr. Kim, who cooked your steak."

"Oh! Him? You must really be disappointed."

"Yes, I am."

As we were about to leave...

"Wait! You two! You traitor!!!" The caretaker ran towards us with the axe, and we started running too. Then, suddenly Mr. Kim jumped in front of us.

"Mr. Kim?" I was just shocked because of everything at that moment.

"You two are not going anywhere-" La Fe pulled me and dragged me towards the exit.

We got out of the house and saw a not-real-island. As we surpassed that, it was just cardboard from the outside and the outside was just all forest. I was in awe for all of this. Like why? Why would someone do something like this?

"You go! Can you manage to go by yourself?!" La Fe shouted enough loud for me to hear.

"I can! But what about you?" 

"Seriously? They are not going to kill me or something!"

"Oh right..." I said and La Fe pushed me to run. "But-"


I stood there for quite few seconds and the wind was going crazy that time. "I hope I meet you again..." I murmured looking at her and her expression softened.

"You know you should want something like this after what happened."

"But it's irrelevant with you."

"Still..." She said and stayed silent before chuckling, "Okay, I'll pour some coffee on you if I meet you..." 

"Heh, Okay." I laughed as I saw Mr. Kim and the caretaker had reached this far panting. "I guess it's time to go." I bid goodbye doing a two-finger salute.

She just stood there, blank... smiling.

Cogitation [SVT Joshua Hong]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant