Chapter four (part two)

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Tears leaked out of my eyes heavily as I ran through the crowds, barging people out my way. I had to get out of here. All I could I see in my head was them two together, kissing. The pain was unbearable.

“EMILY!” Amy shouted from behind. I couldn’t stop, I had to keep running. Finally I got outside, I took a massive gulp of air and let myself sag to floor, sobbing loudly.

“Emily! Baby! What’s happened?” Amy said, clutching my shoulders and bringing me into a tight hug.

“Anthony…he…kissing…her” I couldn’t even speak, my sobs were uncontrollable.

“Babe, I need you to breathe for me” I took a few deep breathes, trying to control my tears.

“He was kissing her, Amy. Like really kissing her. They’re in love, and all I am is his little thing on the side, a little home wrecking slut” my sadness had now turned to anger and my fist were clenched at my sides.

“Hey! Don’t you dare say that. This is all him, he’s the bastard. I should go in there and give him a piece of mind!” she basically growled.

“No, please, don’t.” I was so tired all I wanted to do was go home and sleep, forever.

“Right, I’m calling a taxi now and I’m sleeping over at yours”

Back home, I stripped from my clothes and took a hot shower; leaving the bathroom I saw Amy all tucked in to my double bed. She gave me a sympathetic look and opened her arms to me. I ran to bed and cuddled close with her.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she whispered.

“No” I said “I just wanna sleep”

“Okay, good night baby.” She said, turning off the bedside lights.

The whole weekend consist of me in bed, being cliché, eating Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream and sobbing into a pillow. My mother would come into my room, once every couple of hours asking me the same question: “Want to talk about it?” I would just shake my head, dismissing her back out my room.

I got a total of 29 texts from Anthony over the weekend.

Anthony: Hey baby xxx

Anthony: How’s your weekend been?

Anthony: Emily? Are you okay?

Anthony: Why are you not replying? Have I done something wrong? What’s up?

Anthony: Baby, talk to me.

I didn’t reply to a single one of them. Every time a new message came through, my anger just seemed to grow I was pissed. I just wanted to call him and demand answers; but I need this wasn’t the best time. We need to talk face to face.

Monday came along, my throat was sore from my 3 days of sobbing; I felt so drained. Not bothering to make any effort I applied a tiny bit of foundation, put on some joggers and a hoodie and threw my hair up, into what resembled a bird’s nest.

Amy beeped her horn from outside and I slowly went downstairs, grabbing my converse on the way and threw them on. I kissed my mum on the cheek and grabbed my lunch money, not bothering to get any breakfast.

Luckily I didn’t have English and I didn’t end up seeing Anthony the whole day. Just as I was leaving College; loud footsteps were behind me, sounding like the person was running. I didn’t turn to see who it was, guessing it was just some other student.


I turned around seeing Anthony running, not the slightest bit out breathe, his hair flopping and jaw clenched. I did all I could of think of doing, running.

Before I got to the door, Anthony grabbed me and turned me around. His eyes were the darkest blue and he was glaring at me fiercely. He took a deep breath and let go of me.

“Follow me” he said. I thought about running for the door. “And don’t you dare go out that door, I will follow you”

Following him to his classroom, I held in the tears that were threating to leave my eyes as I thought about Friday night. Anthony slammed his classroom door shut and locked it.

“Emily, what the f-ck is going on?” he growled.  And I lost it.

“Don’t you dare growl at me you bastard! After what you’ve done you have no right, no f-cking right!”

“What have I done?! How am I supposed to fix this when you won’t f-cking tell me what I’ve done!”

“I shouldn’t have to tell you, that’s the thing! If you don’t think what you’ve done is a problem then there is no point in this conversation”

“You’re killing me here bab-”

I scoffed, interrupting him.

“Don’t call me ‘babe’, why don’t you go home to your wife, and ‘babe’ her.”

He sighed, and talked a lot calmer.

“Is that what this is about? Veronica? You know she has to live with me whilst her dad’s here, I thought you understood. You’re the only one who’s been ignoring me. I don’t know what you want me to do.”

“I want you to not lie to me. I want you to stop playing me around. You kissed her on Friday! I saw you, so don’t you dare deny it. Why did you do it? It was just you two, out together, and you kissed her. You f-cking kissed her. That’s why I’m pissed. I can’t even say you cheated on me, she’s you’re wife. What am I? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” I took a deep breath and bit my lip holding in my sob.

“Oh! Emily, no you have to understand me. Yes I kissed her, I’m not going to deny that. But I had my reasons. You have to hear me out” he begged.

“That’s all I’ve been doing lately, hearing you out. Listening to you tell me some bull sh*t lie. I don’t wanna hear it. I can’t be with you when she’s still around. I finally met you a week ago and all we’ve done is argue. All you’ve done is lie and I don’t need this.”

“Emily, baby. Don’t do this. I know we’re in a sh*t situation and I really wish we weren’t. I want to be with you properly, I really do. So don’t leave, we can fix this. I promise; just let me explain.”

“Anthony, I love you. But you know this is the right thing to do. If you do find a way of getting out whatever deal you’re in; maybe then, we’ll talk. But I just feel like there’s no point right now. Your wife will always be in the picture and I just can’t deal with that.”

By now tears were rolling down my face at a fast pace, I loved him so much it hurt. His eyes were glistening and I knew he was holding back the tears.

“We can be together, baby. I love you” He said, his eyes wide with fright, sadness and shock.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do this”

Walking away was the hardest part. He was my first love, all I need is him. But not in this situation, it’s just not the right. It was the best thing to do. It was the best thing to do. I kept telling myself as I stood outside college, my eyes red and throat sore from our screaming match.

I texted Amy, and within 5 minutes her car came speeding down the road. I jumped in a welcomed her warm, comforting car smell.

“I’ve got cookie dough ice cream and a Channing tatum box set at home, we are in for a girly night” she said leant over giving me one armed hug.

“Thank you Ams”

It's not long, but I'll chapter try to update chapter five before the end of the week

Dedication: Thanks for commenting! :D

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