Chapter two

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I changed my mind about chapter two. I've written 3115 words and to me thats a lot and I didn't want the chapter to be too much. So the big explaination about Anthony's life will be in chapter three and that will be up in the new year. But this chapter is good, Anthony and Emily...get close;)

Hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote!

His hand reached forward to wipe the tear of my cheek, and I flinched away from his touch. Never did I ever think I wouldn’t welcome his touch when I got the chance to meet him in life. I never thought our first meeting would be like this, I wanted it to be perfect, I wanted him to swoop me up into his arms and kiss the living daylights out of me, and I wanted him to whisper, in my ear, how much he loved me. I wanted to him to be mine. That wasn’t going to happen. As I stood here in front of the man I love, the man I thought was my soul mate, the perfect one, I realised that love is never going to be a fairy tale, and that Anthony wouldn’t be my Prince Charming. As a child I always wanted to find my true love, that’s what most little girls want, and you grow up to think that you will, one day, find him. But I should’ve known that wouldn’t happen, after my parents’ divorce when I was 14, I never looked at love the same way I used to. I thought it was all bull. Of course my parents’ divorce was very cliché, my dad cheated on my mum with a younger version and left us for her. I was in high school then and it hit me hard. For years boys would approach me, wanting date and I said no. It took me until last year to start to put my trust in boys again with help from Amy, of course. And the thing that hurts the most is that he, Anthony, knew this. He knew how I felt about relationships, and cheating, but he told me he loved me, that he’d never hurt me, and that I was his only one. I still remember that conversation now, the words he wrote, so deep and full emotion, had made me cry when I read it.

I looked at his face and watched as his plump lips parted as he breathed heavily.

“You have to tell me! You have to tell me why you did this! Was I just a little game to you? Does your wife know about me? Am I just your dirty little secret?” by this point I was crying, tears flooded down my face and my voice cracked with every word.

“Emily, baby, please you have to understand, it’s not what it seems! It really isn’t”

“So, what you’re not married then?” I asked him.

“I am, but I don’t love her, you have to believe me, it’s a long story and I really can’t tell you here. Please tell me you’ll give me the chance to explain fully later?” he was practically begging, his hands clasped together in front of him, his eyes wide and full of hope.

Could I wait all day to hear him out? What if he just tells me a bunch of lies? Will it be worth the wait? By now the flow of tears had slowed down and his hand cautiously came towards my cheek. This time I didn’t move, I wanted to feel his touch. As soon as his hand made contact with my skin I sighed, it just felt so right yet it so was wrong. He stepped closer towards, a slight smile on his lips and rested his forehead against mine. He moved his head into the crook of my neck and I heard him breathe in deeply. He was smelling me, ugh why can’t he just make me hate him, I should hate him, and I shouldn’t be letting him do this. I took a step back away from him, making his eyes snap open, and his hand drop from my cheek.

“I…I don’t know...I just-”

“Don’t overthink this Emily, I’m still the same guy you’ve been talking to for the past month. I still lov-”

“No” I interrupted. “Please don’t say something you don’t mean, you have a wife Anthony!” And then, I lost my calm composure I was trying to maintain.

“You can’t just go round saying you love people, you can’t love me if you have a f-cking wife Anthony! You’re married! And you’ve been f-cking lying to me about it for this whole month. You’re not the same guy I was talking to. That guy was frickin single! Apparently!” my face was heating up, and my hands were flying around making unknown shapes in the air. I was angry. I was f-cking angry.

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