Chapter seven part one

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My mother and I had always been close. Even when my dad was still was around, I was definitely a mummy's girl. She was so easy to talk to. She was not just my mother; she was my best friend. So, today I took the day off college and she got the day off work, we had planned a day out just the two of us.

We were at the theme park, holding our candyflosses and walking around. We had been on nearly all the rides and it was great to have a mother daughter bonding day.

"Hey Emily, I hope you don't mind but I told Paul he could come round to ours for dinner tonight, I thought it would be a good time for you to meet him" my mum said when we were driving back towards home. Paul was the new guy my mum was seeing and I was so glad she had found someone to treat her good.

"Of course, Mum. I've been dying to meet him anyways" I said, grinning at her. She smiled back in reply.

When we arrived at home, I went straight upstairs to change into something decent before Paul came over.

"Sweetie, would you mind setting the dinner table while I get ready?" mum said from outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah, that's fine Mum"

I put out 3 plates and 3 sets of knives and forks, and some condiments on the middle of the table. The door knocked and I quickly checked the pot of beef stew, my mum had made, before going to open the door.

Paul was stood, wearing a white shirt and black slacks, holding a bunch of white roses. I smiled at him and ushered him inside.

"Hi, I'm Emily" I said, holding my hand out for him to shake. He shook it, giving me a wide grin

"It's lovely to meet you, Emily. Paul"

"Oh yes, I know. I've heard a lot about you" I said, chuckling just as my mum came down the stairs. She must have heard what I had said, because she playfully glared at me and was blushing brightly. I just smirked.


Conversation was flowing and I had learnt a lot about Paul, and so far I approve. He was lovely guy and perfect for my mum.

My mum and Paul were engaged in a deep conversation, when my phone rang. I saw it was Anthony and quickly left the room and went up into my room.

"Hey babe" Anthony said, when I answered the phone, laying on my bed.

"Hey, I miss you"

"Me too baby, where were you today?" he asked, worry laced in his tone

"My mum wanted me to take the day off to spend with her"

"Oh okay, you have fun?"

"Yeah it was good, we went to the theme park and I met her new boyfriend, he's still here actually" I told him

"Aw, really? That's erm nice"

"Is everything okay? You sound...distracted" I said, my eyes narrowing slightly.

"What? Um, no"

"Are you su-" I started to say, but was interrupted by sounds of female and male voices

"Look. I really need to go. I'll see you tomorrow" he hung up. No 'I love you'. No 'goodbye'. Nothing.

I stared at my phone for a few minutes after the call ended, a million scenarios going through my head.

I put my phone down and went to get ready for bed. Getting into bed, I closed my eyes thinking of how I would confront Anthony tomorrow.


Walking into College, my head was banging, most likely because I was nonstop thinking about Anthony all night. I got hardly any sleep. I was quite early and the only people here were the cleaners and a few staff but I knew Anthony would be here, he always was.

I knocked on his door before letting myself in. He was sat at his desk with his glasses on, looking very tired. He looked over at me, when he heard the door shut, and his eyes light up. At that moment I nearly forgot about last night and whoever he was with it was just me and him, together. How I wish it was every day. Anthony left his chair and walked towards me, a light smile resting on his lips. His hands grabbed my waist and instantly melted in his hold.

"I love you" he whispered, kissing the top of my head. I pulled myself out of his grasp, willing myself to not jump him.

"Anthony we need to talk" I said seriously. He frowned at me and motioned for me to sit down on a chair.

"What's up baby?" he asked me

"Who were you with last night?" I said, getting straight to the point

His eyes widened and he started fidgeting in his chair.

"Emily, I..."

"Look, Anthony. I can't be dealing with this shit all the time. Did you think I wouldn't notice how shady you were being on the phone? Just tell me, please"

He bit his lips, looking deep in thought.

"Trust me baby, it's not what you think. I wasn't with another girl. Just know that"

"I believe you, carry on"

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you, I really didn't want to upset you"

"Anthony, you're scaring me. Just tell me" I begged

"I have to go back to Italy" And right there is when my heart stopped, my breathing stopped, and life just stopped. He was leaving me was all I could think.

Through my watery eyes I could see Anthony walking towards me, looking distraught himself. He hugged me tightly and I cried into his neck.

"Why?" I sobbed.

"Oh, baby. I really don't know. Veronica's dad sent some of his men to tell me yesterday. That's who were at my house last night. I leave tonight" he explained. I couldn't do this, what if he never came back. I stood from my seat, wiping my tears.

"You can't leave me, I love you" I said.

"I'll be back, I'll always come back for you" he told me, sincerely and he kissed me passionately.

The bell rung signalling the start of college.

"I need to go" I said, lowly. He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him.

"Come here at the end of the day. Okay?" I simply nodded and turned away from him, walking out the door.


One minute I was walking down a deserted corridor, contemplating going home and the next, someone had put a cloth over my mouth and I had drifted away, almost instantly.

My last thought was of Anthony. I love you.


This isn't the long chapter I promised you guys, but I felt I owed you an update. Thee is still so much going on in my life so I'm not sure when the next update will be, probably not soon. Sorry.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. No make out scenes this time;)

Expect a lot of drama in the next chapter!

P.S You guys should listen to BANKS, her voice is just gorgeous and I had her songs on repeat whilst writing this chapter.

Love, Savannah xx

My Italian Lover (Teacher x Student) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now