Chapter One

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My best friend, Amy, nudged me. I jumped out of my daydream.

“What was that for?” I asked Amy. She smirked at me.

“You were staring into space darling” I blushed red. “Were you having dirty thoughts Emily?! You naughty, naughty girl” She exclaimed, smiling widely at me.

“NO! I was just know…erm about…life. Yeah, life”

She looked at me knowingly. “Who were you thinking about so hard, huh? I know you Em, talk to me”

I sighed and looked away, putting my head in hands. Knowing her she’ll let me tell her in my own time, and I need time. This is the first time I have ever loved someone and I’m so confused at what to do. I’ve never met him in since I first started talking him. What if I change my mind about him when I speak to him in life? He’s older than me, 6 years older. I’m 17, he’s 23. I mean it would be okay if it weren’t for the fact it was illegal. He knows I’m 17 and wants to wait until I’m 18 to meet up. What if he changes his mind about me? What if thinks I’m ugly in real life? Ugh. I’m never like this, obsessing over a boy, or man should I say. I do find myself pretty, Amy even goes as far as saying I’m beautiful, which I still do not believe. With my blonde hair, blue eyes and clear, pale skin, I do attract boys, but they only ever want one thing. I’ve had a couple of relationships but they’ve never lasted. They wanted my virginity and I wasn’t willing to give it, so they left. But he, Anthony, was different. He was just so perfect, not just in his looks but also his personality.

I was about to turn back to Amy and tell her all about him, when a deep cough interrupted me. I turned to the front of the classroom to see the back of a tall, slim yet muscular guy with black-brown hair- quite short at the back. He turned around and began to speak, I didn’t even hear a word as I was shocked into silence. He announced himself to the class as Mr. Valentino. My Anthony Valentino. He was here and he was my new teacher. ‘Shit!’ I thought to myself and quickly put my head on my desk to hide my face from him. Just us talking was illegal, he was 6 years older than me! But now he’s my teacher, my bloody teacher! There’s no way we could have a relationship now, its forbidden. Well and truly frowned upon in the eyes of law. Just frickin’ great.

Right now he was taking the register and getting to know each person with a question and I was at the bottom of the list luckily, with my surname being Williams. So I had around 10 minutes to prepare myself to yet again get lost in his eyes just like the first time I saw them. I didn’t want to make it obvious to the class that I knew him so I had to act casual. He was now speaking to Jemma Vicini, the school slut, she was pushing her boobs out over her desk and pouting her overly drawn and coloured lips at him. I breathed to keep myself calm, still hiding my face. “Are you single, Sir?” she asked with a slight purr to her voice. I held my breath waiting for the answer. Would he say he isn’t? Would he say he is?

“I’m married actually” he replied.

‘I’m married…I’m married…I’m married’ his reply went round and round in my head. Why would he say that? He didn’t tell me he was married. He told me he loved me, said we’d be together. Tears started building up in my eyes. My name was next on the register. “Emily…uh…Emily Williams” he knew my name. I could tell by his voice he knew it was me. I looked up, tears ready to leak from my eyes, and saw his face drop when saw my face. “Can I please go to the toilet, Sir?” I said quietly, not wanting the class, especially Amy, to realise I was upset. Anthony, or Mr. Valentino was stood his gorgeous blue eyes wide and his jaw, tight. He nodded his head quickly and dropped his gaze from me to the floor. I grabbed my bag from under my desk and walked out the classroom as quickly as possible.  When I got to the toilets, I slammed the cubicle door and sank to floor, in tears.

/ / / / / / / /

After a long while, I grabbed my stuff and went out of the toilet cubicle. Looking into the mirror, I sighed, I was an utter mess. I splashed my face with cold water hoping to get rid of my red eyes. It didn’t work. I heard the toilet door opening, and I turned to see Amy, her eyes frantic and worried. She ran to me seeing I was crying and hugged me tightly. ‘Just what I need’ I thought. She pulled back and scanned my face and body, most likely checking if something was physically wrong with me.

“I’m fine” I whispered, my voice husky from my sobbing.

“You’re not fine! Don’t tell me you are when you’re obviously not. I hate when you do that.”

I smiled at her lovingly and pushed myself up to sit on the counter, patting the space next to me for her to come and sit.

“So, you going to tell me what happened back there?” she looked at me expectantly. I smiled weakly and told her all about Mr. Anthony Valentino.

/ / / / / / / /

“I am going to kill that bastard! Ugh I’m going to chop his balls off and shove them up his nose” I winced at the image. This had been going on for about 10 minutes. Her storming around the toilets, talking to herself about all things she’s going to do Mr. Valentino’s…lower region. After I told her everything from the very first message to today, she decided I need to ‘talk’ to him. By ‘talk’ she meant slap, hit, punch basically hurt him in any physical way possible. But I’m not like that, I really do just want to talk to him, I deserve to know the truth. Was I just a bit on the side because he was bored? Or was this a game to him? Did he ever really love me?

I checked the time on my phone and saw by now it was break time, I had time to go and speak to him. I grabbed Amy’s shoulders and stopped her from, still, circling the bathroom. “I’m going to go speak to him now.” She looked at me worriedly.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I really need to do this by myself” I smiled at her reassuringly. She nodded her head and smiled back at me.

“I’ll be in the dining hall when you’re finished, text me if you need me babe.”  

“Thanks so much Amy, I love you.” I hugged her tightly and then went to open the toilet door. “I’ll text you when I’m done”

“Okay” she replied. “Love you too.”

I walked down the empty corridor, my breathing getting more rapid, the closer I got to his classroom. I stopped outside the door, taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

“Come in” he called, his voice like velvet, bringing back so my many memories from the past month. I erased them from my mind for now and stepped into his classroom. He looked up at who had entered and when he saw it was me, he jumped out of his chair, dropping his pen in the process, and took cautious steps, nearing where I was stood. I didn’t speak I just stood there, staring at him.

“Emily” he breathed when he was stood in front of me. My eyes filled with tears, I willed myself not to start crying again.

“I’m so sorry” he said.

“Why?” I said, looking into his eyes, as a tear fell from the corner of my eye.

So...this is the first chapter, how did you like it? Let me know by a comment or a vote:)

In the next chapter you'll get an insight into the sexy Mr. Anthony Valentino's life, so don't hate him too much just yet! Lol. There will also be more detail about Emily herself, as I know there wasn't much about her life in this chapter.

Next update should be within a week or so. I'll try to get up as soon as possible. It will most likely be up by the new year.

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