Chapter seven part two

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  • Dedicated to All my loyal readers

I put in a little suprise for you guys;) Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think in the comments!


I woke up in a dark room that stank of mould and sweat. I realised my hands were tied behind my back, making my back arch uncomfortably. I held in my sob feeling my head throb painfully. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breathe, thinking who would do this to me.

The door banged open loudly, and harsh light entered the room making me squint my eyes. Then it went dark again, as the door closed back.  Loud feet stomped against the ground and I could hear the sound of a chair being scraped against the floor until it stopped right in front of me. Suddenly, a light flicked on. And I looked up to see a large yet muscular man sat in the chair looking down at me with a wide smirk on his face. For some reason his looks were reminding of me of someone but I just couldn’t think of who it was.

“Hello there love” he said. His accent was strong and…Italian. And then it came to me. Here sat in front of me, the person who had me trapped in a dirty room was Veronica’s dad. The same person who forced Anthony into marriage, ran a gang and killed people as a day job.

“I don’t take too kindly to being ignored” he sneered at me, grabbing my chin tightly. He caressed my face, lust showing in his eyes.

“My, my. I guess I can understand that young Anthony would be attracted to you. You are a little beauty. Oh, the things I could do to you” he murmured the last part making me shudder. He was attractive for someone way older, but just knowing who he was made me feel so sick and knowing I couldn’t do anything about him touching me, since my hands were tied, made me want to cry. My shoulders shook with silent sobs when he knelt down beside me and ran his hands under my top.

“I am going to make Anthony regret ever touching you, ever loving you. And when I’m done with him I can guarantee that you won’t be seeing him again” when the words left his lips I couldn’t hold in my sobs and the tears leaked down my face at a quick pace. My kidnapper got up off the floor wiping his hands on his pants and walked towards the door.

“But don’t worry love, you’ll have your last chance to see him soon” he said before leaving the door. When the door shut I broke down into tears.


“He’ll kill me, Emily”

“He’ll kill me if I try to leave her”

“I love you Emily, so much”

 “…I want to be with you”

“I need to be with you”

“I know you’re the one.”

His words flashed in and out of my head and I sobbed loudly, thinking I might not ever hear him say ‘I love you’ to me again. My eyes lids fluttered and I cried myself to sleep.

“Baby, hey wake up” a sweet voice said to me.

My eyes opened and Anthony was sat at the edge of my bed with a soft smile on his face. Just I was about to lean forward and hug him, my bedroom door banged open a group of men stepped in. Anthony looked at me with sadness and fear etched on his face.

One of the men grabbed him and shoved him to floor but Anthony put up a fight and got up ready to attack the man. I was in a state of shock, I just sat on my bed my eyes wide unshed tears. Another man grabbed my waist, hauled me up off the bed and over his shoulder. I used my fist and banged against his back, screaming for him to let me go. Anthony looked at me his eyes wide, he pushed the guy he was fighting to the ground and ran towards me. He kicked the back of the man’s leg, making the grip on my waist loosen so I jumped down from him and onto the floor. Anthony was too distracted to see a different man grabbing his throat from behind and he was pushed up onto the wall. His face was started to go red as he struggled to get out of the tight grip on his neck. By now, Anthony was gasping for breath but before I could run for him, arms wrapped themselves around me and I felt someone’s breathe at my ear.

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