Chapter five part two

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Sexy little gif on the side;) also the song they danced to--> The Weeknd- Where you belong. Not such a fan of the Fifty shades of grey film, but the soundtrack is to die for!

Please enjoy! Vote and comment please.

“Baby…wake up” a soothing voice whispered. My eyes slowly flickered open and I saw Anthony sat on the bed with a Cheshire cat grin. I narrowed my eyes, looking at him suspiciously.

“What are you smiling at?” I asked.

He looked down from my face to my body, and I followed his gaze. Screeching loudly and I grabbed the covers from his hands, which I stupidly didn’t see before, and covered myself.

“You pervert!” I screeched, slapping his chest.

“Emily, I’ve seen it all. Don’t be shy” he said, smirking.

“I don’t care. I was sleeping, that’s just…weird” He just laughed.

“Get up, it’s late. I need to take you home” Shit! I jumped out of bed and instantly regretted it; wincing at the pain in between my legs.

“Anthony! I can’t go home, walking like this. She’ll know”

“Oh shit yeah. Erm…you could stay, I mean I definelty don’t mind” he winked at me.

I glared in response. “What will I tell my mum?”

“You could-”

“Ooh! I know. I’ll tell her I’m staying over at Amy’s” I grinned. Next thing I know, I’m being thrown on the bed and Anthony is hovering over me. I stared wide eyed up at him.

“That was very rude Emily” he said, his hands travelling up my naked thighs; his lips kissing my collarbone.

“What was?” I said breathlessly

“Interrupting me. I really don’t like when people do that” he wasn’t even saying anything sexual yet his words sounded so erotic; his voice, so sexy.

“I think you need to be punished” by now his head and hand were…right there. Touch me! I mentally begged.

“I’m sorry” I moaned when he slapped my thigh lightly. Since when I did like that kinda sh-t!

“Good girl” he seductively whispered. I whimpered when his cool breath intimately touched me. I waited for him to touch me…but he didn’t.

“Right, you should text your mum” he said jumping off me and walking to the bedroom door. WTF!

“WAIT! What are you doing?”

He frowned at me, acting confused at my question. “I’m going downstairs, I’ll cook us some food. What would you like? I can make spaghetti Bolognese, stir fr-“

“Ugh!” I groaned and stomped, more like penguin walked, to his bathroom, slamming the door shut. Anthony was just laughing. The kind of bend over, slap your thighs, clap your hands, seal kind of laugh. I stepped into his large shower, zoning out, humming to myself.

When I finished, I stepped out with a towel wrapped tightly around my body. Leaving my hair slightly wet and wavy, I threw on one of Anthony’s shirt and went downstairs. My eyes widen when I saw Anthony, dancing around his kitchen wearing only tight boxers. I bit my lip, holding in my laughter at the sight of him shaking his, very firm and squeezable, ass to Phillip George’s ‘I wish you were mine’

He started singing loudly and stirring, what smelt like, Bolognese.

“I wish that you were mine!” he sang loudly and very much out of tune. I thought it was best to show myself before he embarrassed himself even more. I went behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist. His whole body tensed as he muttered ‘f-ck’ under his breathe. He turned around his face bright red and I smirked at him.

“How much did you see?” he asked, sounding mortified. I simply smirked and slapped his ass. He visibly cringed whilst I just laughed.

“It’s okay baby” I choked out through my laughter.

“Can we please just forget about it?” he begged.

I smiled angelically “Of course, baby” I sat down at his dining table that was situated in the middle of his, quite large, kitchen. He set out two plates and two sets of cutlery, dishing out a gorgeous looking portion of spaghetti Bolognese. I smiled up at him gratefully and we both dug in.

After we ate, I picked up our dishes bringing them to the sink, to wash them up. I ran the hot water but before I could actually wash a single plate, Anthony stopped me.

“Hey, you don’t need to do that” he said into my ear, hugging me from behind. I melted into his embrace. I spun around quickly, kissing him lightly on the lips and slipping out from his arms. I turned the radio up when I heard The Weeknd’s ‘Where you belong’ started to play.

“Dance with me” I mouthed to him and bit my lip. He eyes visibly darkened as he ran his gaze over my bare thighs and cleavage. I swayed my hips to the music as I walked over to him and rested my hands on his shoulders and then we started to dance.

“I'm in control, when you give me your body, yeah” sang from the radio and just because he likes to make me flustered, he mouthed the words to me, giving my ass a light tap. The song ended and Anthony forcefully pushed me up on his fridge, kissing the life out of me. From there we had sex on the fridge, the counter, and the dining table.

We both lay panting on the couch in his living room. Gosh, I never thought sex would be this good. With Anthony, everything is just perfect. I feel like I’m falling in love with him all over again. That night, we cuddled until we both fell into blissful sleep.

The next morning we woke up to his 8 o’clock alarm. I groaned and buried my head deeper in his chest.

“Sorry baby I normally go for a run at this time” he said removing me from his chest and leaving the bed. I watched as he stretched, not even thinking about covering his nakedness. I jumped out the bed, and dragged him into the bathroom with me.

After our, extra-long, shower; Anthony dropped me off home. My mother had easily believed my story about me staying over at Amy’s so I wasn’t worried about returning home. I gave Anthony a kiss good bye and walked into my house. My mother was sat on the couch smirking at me when I walked into the living room. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Have a nice night?” she questioned me.

“Yes” I replied, looking at her suspiciously “Why?”

“Oh, no reason. Just if you’re going to tell me you slept at Amy’s then at least tell her to back you up okay?” my jaw dropped and I didn’t even know what to say.

“Mum, I’m so sorry, I…I didn’t mean to lie you. I just-” I blabbered.

“Don’t worry Emily, I trust you. But please don’t lie to me again” I ran and gave her a hug.

“Right young lady, I think you should tell me about this boy that obviously has you totally smitten” a bright smile came on my face as soon as I thought about Anthony. Was it that obvious that I was in love? Or was it just mothers intuition? I don’t know, but either way I was glad my mother and I were so close; I was glad I had someone else to speak to about Anthony.

We sat and talked endlessly about the man I had fell in love with.

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