Chapter six part two

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We lay, tangled together, on the floor. How we ended up here, I have no idea but that had to be our best intimate moment together. His fingers were dancing lightly up and down my back, the only sounds were our breathing.

“This is nice” I mumbled into his naked chest, hugging closer to him.

“It is, I want to do this with you everyday baby” he replied

“Me too Anthony, me too” I said, my eyes fluttering closed.


The next morning, my mum was in the kitchen, humming to herself and frying bacon. I smiled knowing how happy she was, she deserved to be happy.

“Morning mummy” I greeted, hugging her waist

“Morning sweetie” she replied, kissing my cheek and passing a glass of orange juice.

I sat at the bar stool, sipping my drink.

“How was your night?” I asked her teasingly. Her face, blushed bright red and she giggled, like a young girl in love.

“It was good really good Emily, he’s amazing. You’ll have to meet him sometime soon” she said, placing a plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of me.

“I’d love that Mum. But if he does anything to hurt you, I won’t hesitate to hunt him down” I warned her, semi-serious.

“Oh, Emily sweetheart! He’s the sweetest thing, trust me” she said, putting her plate in the dishwasher. “Eat up, love. You don’t want to be late”

I finished my breakfast, and I went upstairs to get ready for College.

Dressed in a white lace summer dress and brown gladiator sandals, I jumped into Amy’s car and we sped off.


I was currently sat in English, listening to Anthony talk about Shakespeare, I could see the pure love on his face, when he spoke about English literature. His eyes would light up and his hands would be moving around, in the air, with each word.

“Right, so now I want you guys to write about your opinion on Romeo and Juliet. Talk about what you think the message of the novel is, talk about your favourite part and why you like them parts also analyse some quotes for a higher mark. You have 40 minutes off you go. Oh and leave them on my desk, I’ll mark and grade them for you by next week” Mr. Valentino explained. He went to his desk and leant in his chair observing the class; everyone’s head was down and they were writing frantically. Anthony caught my eye and I blushed when he smirked at me, realising I was staring at him. I ducked my head down and started the essay.

I finished my essay with 10 minutes to spare and got my phone out to check my messages. Surprisingly I had two from Anthony which were sent only 5 minutes ago:

Anthony: I had fun last night and I hope you don’t mind I took your lingerie with me. There’s no way you’re wearing that again, if it’s not in my house.

Anthony: Oh and I love you xxx

He was so cute it’s unreal. I quickly replied:

Me: Okay babe you keep it, I think I might go shopping with Amy for some new ones anyways;) and I had fun too, last night was…perfect. Thanks for putting me to bed btw. I love you too xxx

He replied within seconds

Anthony: You finished your essay already? I’m expecting A* quality babe;) and they better be for me and only me to see. And it’s okay, I took the chance to get this gorgeous picture of you.

My Italian Lover (Teacher x Student) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now