Chapter eight part one

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Sad song and pic to match the chapter to the top^, if you can think of a better one once you've read the chapter, let me know and I'll change it! ENJOY!

"You're a sick bastard" someone screamed. Weirdly enough I thought it was Anthony. I opened my eyes, rolling over onto my back and groaned in pain. My whole body was on fire. When I looked towards the door I saw Attilio and Anthony. I blinked quickly, thinking I was going crazy, but it was definitely him. He was screaming at Attilio and he face was red with anger.

"A-Anthony" I stuttered out in a whisper. Both men's heads whipped towards me. Anthony's showed love, pain and relief whereas Attilio looked at me in with disgust yet happiness as if he was happy with everything that was happening.

Anthony rushed over to me. His hands reached for me but before I could feel his comforting touch he was ripped away from me and thrown onto the floor. Anthony jumped back up onto his feet and went for Attilio who was busy smirking at my saddened face. He reached out and went to caress my face. His fingertips brushed my cheek and titled my away in disgust, pain searing through my sore neck when I did. Anthony pushed Attilio to the ground and jumped on top of him, punching him repeatedly in the face. Groans and grunts of pain were all I could hear. I felt so useless all I could was lay in a hump on the floor and do nothing. I couldn't even move my fingers without screaming in pain.

"Please, please. Stop" I tried to shout, but it only came out as a hoarse whisper. They both just continued to fight, it was such a blur I couldn't tell if Anthony was hurt or if he was winning the fight. I took a deep breath and screeched as loud as I could. This got their attention, their heads snapped towards me. Anthony has a cut lip and blood was leaking from his nose.

"Enough of this shit" Attilio snapped "You're here for one reason and one reason only"

"Don't do this Attilio. Prendete me, lasciala andare" (Take me, let her go)

Hearing Anthony speak in Italian was so sexy but in this situation I couldn't even think of him in that way. It was so frustrating not knowing what he had just said. Know I wish I studied Italian.

"Oh tu mi conosci meglio di così Anthony" Attilio replied, smirking with his arms crossed across his chest. Anthony just glared at him. (Oh you know me better than that Anthony)

"Sit in the chair" Attilio ordered for him to do. Anthony turned his back to him and stalked towards the chair which was directly in front of me. He gave me a cheeky wink and I frowned at him. He placed his forefinger over his lips and sat down, facing back to Attilio. I could tell he had something planned but I wondered what. Attilio was the leader of the mafia, not that I was doubting Anthony, but there was no way he could get his plan past him.

"Untie your fidanzata (girlfriend). You have 5 minutes to say your goodbyes" and with that he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Anthony dropped to his knees in front of me and untied my hands rom behind my back. I sat up slowly and winced in pain when he brushed he fingertips against my bruised eye.

"I'm so sorry amore mio (my love)" he choked out, his eyes starting to water. I raised my hand and rested it on the side of Anthony's face.

"I love you so much" I whispered.

"No don't do that!" he snapped "Don't act like this is goodbye"

 "I dont wanna lose you but you know this is it baby. Say it. Please"

He sighed "I love you baby. So much. You're my everything" he kissed me harshly on the lips and we both cried holding each other tightly.

The door burst open and Anthony released me quickly. "I'm getting you out of here. Don't you worry baby"

"Times up" Attilio said gruffly. It felt like only seconds we had together. This wasn't fair.

Attilio grabbed Anthony by the hair and forced him back into the chair, tying his hands and feet together. Tears leaked out of my eyes, and they just wouldn't stop. I had to keep wiping my eyes in order to see what was going on.

Attilio knelt beside me, and I felt something cold and metal press against my temple. Anthony's eyes widen and his jaw clenched.

"Get the f-ck off her Attilio. This is between you and me. Leave her out of this"

"You were always my favourite you know Anthony. I thought of you as my son. You were perfect for my daughter. I'm going to lose everything because of you, stupido ragazzo. (you stupid boy) And so are you. This is your punishment Anthony. I can't have people thinking I'm weak now, can I?"

"This wasn't the plan, it's me you wanted. Shoot me, not her!" 'No!' I wanted to scream but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"How about we let darling little Emily decide eh?" Attilio said, grinning down at me

"Me. Shoot me" I replied instantly

"No!" Anthony roared

"She really loves you Anthony and now you've lost her. Say goodbye" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath... and then a bang went off. Just like my dream.

I used google translate for the Italian, so if any of you are Italian and/or know Italian just let me if anything is wrong and let me know how you really say them lines. I know it's short but it's just something to tie you over until the end of week. Hopefully a long chapter next time.

Love. Savannah xx

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