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When we walk out of the old factory I follow the boys down a dirt road. We reach a turn off behind some bushes. There sat a beautiful 1967 black Impala.

I feel a smile form on my face as I touch the car.

"This is beautiful." I whisper.

"Thank ya. I call her Baby." Dean replies. I feel his prescence behind me as I pat the hood.

I spin around and find myself facing Dean, but having to look up at him. "So you offered a ride right?"

Dean smirked and got in the car. Sam got in the passenger seat, so I climbed in the back.

"Where to Alex?" Sam speaks turning his head to the side.

"Uh, Bridgeport Inn." I lean back in the seat and look out the window. 

The Inn was only a few miles away. I tapped my thigh with my finger as Dean played AC/DC. He had a decent taste in music.

The car pulls to a stop so I look up. We're here. 

What can I say. I didn't really want to leave these guys they're pretty cool. And Dean has that charming smile.

When I climb out Sam looks around the parking lot, "Where's your car?"

"Sam. There's a thing called hitch hiking and for girls like me, it's easy to get a ride." I say leaning down and looking through the car on Dean's side.

"That's dangerous you shouldn't do that Alex." Sam says looking at me.

"I'll be fine." I smile and start walking away. I stop in my tracks and turn back around, "You know. I need to pay you back for the ride and for saving me. Why don't ya'll check in and we can get cleaned up. I'll take you to the diner up the street. Dinner's on me."

I quickly turn around so they can't object. I walk into my rooom and shower quickly. I change into blue skinny jeans, a black tank top, a leather jacket, and brown boots.

I open up my bag and pull out a knife and slip on my charm bracelet with a devil's trap, cross, and angel wings. I pull out a credit card and slip it in my wallet which I put in my jacket along with my phone.

I wait outside leaning on the back of the Impala till the boys come out. I give a smile as they approach and climb into the car.

When we get to the diner we all sit in a booth in the back. Dean orders a double cheese burger, Sam a salad, and me a cheese burger.

"So how much longer you gonna be in town?" Dean looks up. I look up at him and we lock eyes.

"I'm gonna try to get a ride tomorrow. What about you two?" I ask. Our eyes are still locked. It may be just me, but I don't think he wants to look away. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sam smirking.

"I think we might be heading out tomorrow as well." Dean replies.

I nod and continue eating. The diner is empty except us and the servers are in the back.

I suddenly feel a prescence next to me and in one swift movement I grab my knife and go to stab whatever it is.

It catches my arm mid swing where the blade is almost touching the man's chest.

He stares at me with his deep blue eyes. He's wearing a tan trench coat and has brown hair. He doesn't look half bad.

The man twists my wrist causing me to loose the grip on my knife. He picks it up and hands it back to me.

I back up against the wall and glance to Dean and Sam who are very intrested in their food.

"Dean? Who is this?" I ask keeping a tight grip on my knife.

Dean looks up and smiles at the reaction. "That is Castiel. We call him Cas."

"Okay. And what is he? A demon?" I still sit in a position for attack just in case.

"Far from it." Sam says.

"I'm an angel of the Lord." Cas says. 

I laugh then notice his seriousness. "Seriously?" I glance at Dean who nods.

"No questions?" Dean asked.

"I stopped asking questions after my mom got possessed by a demon." I said not looking back up, but continuing eating.

I hush falls upon the group until we all finish. "I'll go pay." I say. Cas climbs out of the booth and lets me out before getting back in. "Thanks." I give a small smile.

I lean on the counter and call out, "Hey can I get a check please?" After a few minutes there's no reply. 

I walk around the counter and take out my knife. I push open the kitchen door and cover my mouth. 

There is blood everywhere. The people's bodies are torn apart and it's just horrible. I quickly shut the door, close my eyes, take a deep breath, and open the door.

I walk in having my knife ready. I look down at the waitress that served us. Well at least what's left of her. I bite my lip and keep walking. I spat down by one of the bodies and check for anything. I move some skin with my blade. Heart's still there. 

I sigh and walk back out of the kitchen. I place my hands on my hips and stare at the three who immediatly stopped talking when I came over. 

"Boys I think we're gonna be here a few more days." I say. All three stare at me clueless. I wave for them to follow me. I take them to the kitchen.

"There's no sign of struggle, heart is in place, but the bodies are torn to shreds. I'm thiinking demon." I say.

I walk over to the area where the people check in for work. I look at all of them. Four cards.

I glance back at the bodies. All of them have on name tags. What a coincedence. I read them off in my head.

Two chefs and two waitressess. The chefs, Danny and Jack, are here. For the waitress only Lilly, our waitress is here. So where's Kelly?

I place all the cards down except Kelly's. "Come on." I say walking out of the diner.

When we get back to the motel we all go into the boys' room. "Can I use your computer?" I ask Sam.

He nods and turns it on. While it's booting up I pull my hair up into a pony tail.

I sit down at the table and begin typing. The boys shrug and lay on the beds. Cas just stands behind me watching me work.

I'm trying to find out everything I can about this Kelly Sanchez girl. After a few hours I lean back in the chair. I look at the boys sleeping. A smile forms on my face. I look back at Cas. Still standing.

"Cas can you go grab me a coffee please?"  I ask sweetly.

"Sure Alexandra." Cas nods and disappears. After a minute he reappears and hands me a coffee.

"Thanks." I smile up at him.

He nods and  continues to stand behind me.

After a while I look at the time. 3 a.m.

I've been looking up this girl for over 9 hours and nothing. It's like she never exsisted.

I look out the window pitch black. I close the lap top and sigh. I look back where Cas is and he isn't there. Must've left a while ago.

I walk to the couch after turning out the lights and lay down. I shut my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

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