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"Wake up Alex. Come on." Someone mutters. I open my eyes to see Dean.

"Your bitchy brother shot me." I say closing my eyes again.

"No, stay awake. I want to ask you some questions." Dean said. I heard shifting and I nodded. "Okay now I want you to tell me how you know Crowley and Lucifer."

I groan in annoyance, "Mr. Luci and Mr. C?"

"Yeah yeah them. How do you know them?" Dean asks

"I was sick and Mr. Luci cured me. But I made a deal with him. He said if he cured me I would have to practice something with him and Mr. C." I said shifting.

"And uh... What were they like? And what did they have you do?" Dean asked eagerly.

"Mr. Luci was normally angry. He had a big temper. Every month he gave me this stuff. It was like a mist. Mr. Luci told me it'd make me strong enough to help him." I opened my eyes again, "Mr. C was nice to me though." I looked at Dean, "He wouldn't let Mr. Luci be to mean, and he took care of me more than anyone else I knew. That's why I like being around Mr. C. Can I see Mr. C again?"

"Not right now. We've gotta get you up to speed." Dean says patting my head. "Cas!" Castiel walks in, "Go ahead and bring her back fully. I don't like seeing her in this half state."

Cas places two fingers on my head. My eyes open fully and I sit up. "Dean?" 

"Hey Alex." he says. 

"You idiots made him leave." I said getting up. Cas grabs my shoulder and sits me back down.

I look up at him. But he just looks at Dean, "She won't be able to go onto the hunt with you Dean. She'll continue to obsess until she sees one of the two again. I'll take care of it."

Dean hesitates then nods and leaves. I look up at Castiel. 

"I'll summon him for you." He mutters. "Just wait till they leave." I nod and watch them go out to the Impala and drive off. 

Castiel summons Crowley and walks out of the room. Crowley soon appears and smiles.

"What is it Darling?" he says, "Those boys aren't messing with you are they?"

"No Sir." I respond.

"Then what do you need dear?"

"Mr. C, I want to go with you. I want to train and finish out my fate. This is what you've been preparing me for right?" I ask, "I'll finish the job. Please. This is what I was born to do."

He holds out his hand and I carefully place mine in his.

Castiel's P.O.V.

It was too quiet in the room. I decided to check in on the two. 

I opened the door and watched Alex place her hand in Crowley's and him smirk at me and disappear.

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