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"Wake up." Dean's rough voice said while yanking on the cuff.

When I opened my eyes it was still dark out. Dean practically pulled me out of the car. He lugged me into the house. We went straight to the kitchen table. To tell you the truth I wasn't all that tired anymore. Dean sat next to me (Like he had a choice), and Bobby and Sam sat across from us.

"Look Cas took the remainder of the soul out. I'm fine. Back to normal. I also told him I'm done with this whole angel stuff.

Sam takes out an angel blade and cuts my arm. The cut shines a bright and then fades and begins bleeding. I lean back and sigh.

"Why'd you do it Alex." Bobby asked staring me down.

"Castiel was telling me that I could be powerful, and never destroyed. I thought maybe I could use the powers to take down demons and other creatures." I said looking down.

"We'll have to lock her up again until the soul has wasted away. But in the meantime, we need to have a chat with Cas." Dean said standing up pulling me along with him.

He locked me up in the panic room and went back upstairs. The cuffs were on both wrists now. I sigh and sit in the room silently.  

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