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Sam doesn't have a soul. Great. Note the sarcasm. Dean and I are gonna keep a close eye on him from now on. We're currently on the road at night. We wanna find out who pulled Sam out of hell. He said he has a lead. We passed through some guarded gate. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked as the car came to a stop in the middle of the camp.

"Just stay here Alex. We'll be back in a minute." Dean said getting out.

I leaned forward, "Dean I'm not a kid. I can handle myself. Let me go with you."

"That Goddess made you speak the truth. You didn't tell us everything, so as far as I'm concerned you should try to earn our trust back." Dean said. I scoff at him.

Then I feel something cold on my wrist click. I look at my right wrist which now holds the end of a handcuff. The other end is connected to the car door. "Oh you gotta be kidding me." I mutter yanking on it.

"If you're here when we get back, that'll start building the trust back." Dean says rolling down the back windows.

"Dean! Dean get back here you son of a bitch! Let me go now!" I yell as Sam and Dean walk away.

I lean back in my seat feeling defeated.  I get out of the car and lean on it leaving my right hand near the door so it doesn't pull.

Some guy walks past, but stops when he sees me.

"Who're you?" he asks leaning on the car.

"Alex. I'm with Sam and Dean. They don't really trust me right now." I say holding up my wrist. "What's your name?"

"Tom." he replies giving a small smile. "Why don't they trust you?"

"Well our last hunt was against some Goddess of Truth. You could only tell the truth. I didn't tell Dean a few of the unspoken things over the last year. So now he doesn't trust me. At all." I say scoffing.

"Well tell you what. Everyone here is going on a big hunt at dawn, I'm one of the few staying back I'll be watching over camp. I could talk them into letting you stay back, it is a dangerous one so I'm sure they won't mind." Tom says.

I smile and nod, "Yeah that'd be great. They went into that building."

He walks off towards where they went. A few minutes later he comes back with the key in hand. I smile as he unlocks it leaving the key in the lock. I grab my phone and walk with him into another building. It's sort of like a mess hall except a little nicer. 

"I'm guessing you haven't eaten lately?" Tom asks.

"You're correct there." I reply.

He leads me into the kitchen and I sit on the metal counter. I swing my legs back and forth as he looks in the big refrigerator. 

"How do you feel about pizza?" he asks.

"That sounds amazing right now." I smile as he pulls some leftover pizza out. 

"I'll nuke it, you grab us some beer." Tom say putting them in the microwave. I jump off the counter and pull two random beers out of the fridge.

All night and day we talk and drink. That is until he starts to act a little funny. 

"Hey Tom? You okay dude?" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder.

He turns around with black eyes, "Boss wants us somewhere." 

I step back startled. He grabs my wrist and we appear in a warehouse. Next thing I know I'm pushed into Dean and Tom grabs some man along with other demons and disappear.

I look up at Dean whose holding me and we hear so slow clapping. 

"Well that was dramatic." a short man wearing all black with a British type accent says.

"Crowley?" Sam asks.

"Who?" I turn to Dean.

"Hello boys. And others. What an unexpected treat." the so called Crowley states walking down some steps to us.

"Bring Christian back now." Some older man says.

"Who are these people? What the Hell is going on Dean?" I ask again.

"My nephew the one you just crammed the demon into!" he says angrily.

"Oh no. I had him possessed ages ago." Crowley says coming up to us. "Samuel really? I keep an eye on my investments."

"Woah woah woah woah. You two know each other?" Dean asks letting go of my arm.

"Not in the biblical sense. More of a business type relationship I'd say." Crowley says shrugging his shoulders and glancing at me.

"You're Crowley's bitch." Sam says.

"It's not what you think." I think it's Samuel said.

"It's precisely what you think. That Alpha's he caught me is getting him a gold star." Crowley says looking at me once again.

Dean has a hard look on his face, "Since when do you give a crap about Vampires?" 

"Since uh-- What's today, Friday? Since let's see-- Mind your business." Crowley says walking up to Dean and pointing at him. He walks towards the back of the room glancing at me for the third time.

"You might as well share with the class Crowley. We know you're looking for purgatory." Sam said.

"So you heard about that." Crowley nodded.

"Yeah you want to tell us why?" Sam asked harshly.

"Isn't it obvious? Location location location. I'm a developer. Purgatory is vast, underutilized and Hell-adjacent, and I want it." Crowley says like a greedy five year old.

"What for?" Dean asks.

"Best shut your gob hole." Crowley said, "Employees don't question management."

"We ain't your employees." Dean says raising his voice.

"Of course you are. Have been for some time now thanks to Gramps. I don't keep Captain Chromedome around for his wits do I?" Crowley says as everyone looks at Samuel except me.

I block out the rest of the conversation and just focus on the Crowley guy. I know I've seen him before, but I just don't know where. I don't notice he's walking towards me until he's right in front of me studying my face.

"Well Alex. It's lovely to see you again." Crowley says, "You don't remember me do you? Well, guess I'll give em back to you." he taps my forehead and images start to flash through my mind. I loose all vision of what's in reality and just see images. I drop to my knees holding my head and let out a scream, "Sorry darling." I feel something kiss the top of my head 

The images are of me as a child. I always see two men standing towards the back. One is Crowley and the other one I don't recognize. But I hear the word 'Lucifer' from Crowley's mouth. I always see the second man who I assume is Lucifer sending a little white light towards me. It enters my body every time. In another one I'm sleeping in my bed, Lucifer and Crowley are talking at the end of it. Lucifer tells him to watch over me with whatever it takes. Lucifer explains how one day I will be one of the most powerful creatures. And I get my power from either him or being around demons. 

All the visions start to fade with new memories inside my head. I'm now staring up at the roof of the Impala.

"Dean?" I call out tiredly.

"Hey Alex. You ok back there?" I hear Dean's voice.

"I feel like shit. Where are we?" I ask closing my eyes again.

"On our way to a motel. Why don't you just get to sleep. I'll bring you in once we get there." He said causing me to fall into a deep sleep.

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