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I'm jerked awake when my body comes in contact with the cold hard ground of the motel room.

I sigh and stand up massaging the small of my back. I glance over at the boys' beds. Still asleep.

I glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 4:13. 

I've been asleep for only about an hour. I take my hair out of my ponytail and take my boots off. I use my jacket as a blanket and shut my eyes. I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. I lift up my head and look over at the two sleeping.

I push my jacket off and walk back over to the small table. I turn on a little light as I boot up the laptop.

After an hour and a half of searching about Kelly Sanchez I finally find something.

"YES!" I yell hitting the desk.

I cover my mouth immediately realizing I just screamed that out loud. I see Dean shift and Sam sit up pulling out a gun.

"Sorry." I say biting my lip.

He gives me a questioning look, "Why'd you scream."

"I finally found info on this Kelly girl. It's like she never existed, but I found a application to the restaurant from a few months ago." I say leaning back and smiling.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"5:45" I mumble scratching the back of my neck.

He looks at me concerned, "Have you slept at all?"

"I got an hour. I fell off the couch and couldn't get back to sleep." I say standing up and pick up my jacket.

"You sleep in my bed and I'll do some more research." Sam stands up and motions to the bed. 

I nod tossing my jacket on the bed and lay down on the bed. I curl up on the bed and slowly drift off. There's a small breeze in the room and I shiver. I feel the blankets being pulled over me. A small smile forms on my face as I relax in the warmth. And then all the outside noise goes away as I fall asleep.


I sit up and run a hand through my hair. I look around as I yawn. Sam is sitting at the desk and the shower is running in the bathroom.

Sam looks very interested in the computer and looks up with a small smile, "Morning sunshine." He then looks back down at his computer. 

"Morning." I smile back and lazily look at the clock. 7:01. I climb out of the bed and walk over to Sam and lean on the back of his chair. "Find anything?"

"Yeah. Sort of. I got an address, but other than that nothing. No medical history, school records, nothing. I say once we get ready we pay Kelly Sanchez a little visit." Sam replies tapping the table with his finger tips.

I nod, "I'm going to go get ready." I say patting his shoulder.

He nods back and I walk out of the room and into mine. I stop in my tracks and look down. I sigh. I forgot my shoes. I ignore it and just walk into my room.

I take a quick shower and change into a plaid red flannel and ripped black skinny jeans. I open up the door to run back over to the boys room.

I stare sadly at the rain pouring down. I coincidentally left my jacket over there and don't have another jacket or pair of shoes. I sigh and start to sprint across the parking lot.

I make it to their door and knock quickly. Of course this is the one motel that doesn't have one of those overhead shelter cover things. I stand on the asphalt feeling the rocks dig into my feet. I feel my clothes starting to stick to my skin and my hair is sticking to my face.

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