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A whole day I've been down here without food or water. I've been working on breaking the metal, but I'm not strong enough to use the powers. The metal is starting to cut my wrist up when I move. I gave up calling out to the boys. It's not like it was my choice. Cas made me do this.

I started yanking the handcuff roughly. Making it tear the skin more and having blood stain the concrete floor. After nothing happening I look around for something to help me.

I try and reach for a nearby jar of nails. I managed to tip it over and spill a bunch of nails out. I take one in my hand and begin working the lock.

I hear the basement door swung open and I manage to finally unlock it. I hide at an angle under the steps so I can easily slip up without anybody to stop me.

After I see them walk down and turn the corner I sprint up the steps and close the door. I lock it and move a dresser in front of it. I hear Dean, Sam, and Bobby banging on the door. I run outside and sprint down the road.

I begin praying to Cas when I take shelter behind a bush, "Cas I need you. They found out and locked me up. I escaped, but they'll come after me any minute now. Please hurry."

I open my eyes to see Cas standing before me.

"What do I do? I don't have enough strength to do anything. Cas if they end up catching me again, they might kill me." I plead looking up at him.

"I'll get you refueled and teach you your abilities. That way you can protect yourself. This will mean not being near the Winchester's for a long time though." Cas says

"No." I state staring him in the eyes.

"What?" Cas asks in disbelief.

"I don't want to deal with anymore human souls or angel powers. I just want you to make sure they don't kill me." I say standing up.

He studies my face searching to see if I'm lying. I hear the Impala roar behind me and screech to a stop.

"You have to. I don't care what it takes, but you will use them eventually. It's your destiny Alexandra." Cas says as foot steps shuffle behind me, "But since you refuse to use them now, I'll take the rest of the soul you took."

He knocks me down to the ground and reached inside my stomach. I feel his hand move to different places in search of the soul. I scream as he searches. His hand stops in one place and I see his eyes light up. When he removes the rest of the soul he stands up and disappears.

Taking the soul out made me feel so much weaker. I feel someone pick me up and carry me to the car. I feel the cold familiar metal handcuff placed on my wrist. My head slowly drifts to where the other one is placed. Not to the car, but on Dean's wrist. I sigh and close my eyes hoping to find rest. After all, it has been almost a full two days since I've slept.

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