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I stare through the crack in the door. My hands rest on the door frame. I see a strange man burst through the door. I watch his every move as he overturns tables and looks under the beds. I hold my breath hoping he won't hear me. I back up and slip on a shoe in the closet. I fall back making a loud noise. I back up to the back of the closet as the door swings open. He looks down at me with a smirk and squats down. He grabs my ankle and starts dragging me out of the closet. I scream scrambling in his grasp, but it only tightens. A metal clamps around my ankle. I watch as he places the other half of the handcuff to the pole running into the ground. 

Sam and Dean burst through the door. My head begins pounding and everything gets brighter. I shut my eyes for a split second, when I open them Dean is holding a angel knife. Sam walks behind me and holds me in place. Dean approaches and slowly stabs me in the stomach. I look down and see a light shining from inside me. I let out a scream.


I sit up with a small scream escaping my mouth. My hands immediately grasp my stomach where the blade was. I wipe some sweat off my forehead. I look up at the front seat. We're infront of another diner. Sam and Dean are looking back at me with worried faces. I climb out of the car and lean on the car door.

Dean jumps out and looks at me.

"You feel okay? You don't look to well." He says moving some hair out of my face.

I shake my head no and look at him, "I need something to eat."

The wind picks up and I shiver. Dean places his coat on me and wraps an arm around my shoulder and takes me inside. Sam follows close behind us.

When we get into the diner we sit at a booth. I'm next to Dean and Sam's across from us. Dean keeps close to me and keeps one arm around my waist.

"Yeah we'll have two cheeseburgers and a salad for him. Also three Jack Adam's please." Dean says.

"Sure thing. It'll be right out." the waitress says with a smile before walking off.

"Can you tell us what happened in the dream." Sam said leaning forward.

I think back to them killing me and the bright angelic lights coming out of me.

"I don't really wanna talk about it." I say holding onto Dean's arm tighter.

"Come on Alex just tell us." Dean says looking down at me. I just stare off and bite my lip.

"Something's wrong with me. Something not human. That's why the demons are after me. Eventually you guys are gonna have to kill me." I say. Then I mumble, "With an angel blade."

"With a what?" Sam and Dean asks together.

"Angel blade." I say making eye contact with Sam.

It all goes silent. I get out of the booth and walk to the car. I sit on the hood. 

"Cas I need you now please it's important. Really really important." I say.

I hear flapping and I look up to see Cas.

"What is it?" Cas says squinting at me.

"What's inside of me? Something's wrong, but I don't know what." I say jumping off the hood and walking up to him. "Just please find out what it is." I beg.

He places two fingers on my forehead. He closes his eyes as if he's searching for something.

Cas jumps back slightly and removes his hand. 

"Alex you have angelic blood in you." Cas states staring into my eyes.

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