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I wake up with a sigh and glance at my clock. 7:30. This place had a breakfast place that opens at 8. I decided to just eat here. 

I rolled out of bed and got Bree some food and water to eat. I get in the shower trying to shrug off the disgusted feeling Dean had given me. I got out and changed into daisy dukes and a tank top with black and white converse.

I dry my hair and leave it flowing naturally. I pack up all my stuff and slide my phone in my back pocket. I put the two bowls that Bree finished off into my bag as well.

I pack my stuff into the car and put Bree in as well rolling down the windows. She whines looking at me, "I know girl. I'll be out in a few minutes. I gotta check out then I'm gonna grab a quick bite to eat. Just stay here Bree." I say stroking her head sweetly.

I jog inside and check out. By this time it's about 8:15. I walk into the breakfast room and grab an apple. I sit at a table in the corner of the room and silently eat my apple. The entire room is empty except  The door swings open and I look over towards it. Dean struts in all high and mighty while Sam follows slowly behind annoyed. I scoff and lean back in my chair.

Dean walks over and sits across from me smiling happily. My jaw clenches and my nails dig into the side of the apple.

"Sam if he doesn't leave I'm gonna rip his throat out." I say staring him dead in the eyes.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Dean chuckled.

I took another bite out of my apple and stood up throwing away the remaining core. I walked back to the table and leaned down close to his face.

"Like I said last night, don't ever touch me in any way again." I stated harshly.

I pushed off the table and walked outside. I got into the car where Bree was sleeping in the backseat. I adjusted my rear view mirror. Then Dean shows up leaning on the hood looking down at me.

"Alex, I'm sorry ok? I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing. Just tell me what I did and I'll try to make it up. Please." Dean begged with worry in his eyes.

I repossession myself so I'm looking him directly in the face. "Next time you wanna forcefully kiss a girl, put your hand up her top, and a hand up her skirt without her consent, don't call me, Dean." I said cranking up the car.

I was about to pull out when Dean was pulled back and Sam took his place. "Look Alex. Just stick with us a while. Dean's a little screwed up right now and you know how he acts when drunk. You're a laughing happy one, he's more of a sexual one, and I'm a sad delusional one. Just, let's put it behind us. I know he wants you hunting with us again. Please. If you won't do it for him, do it for me. I can barely keep track of him, but I know you can." Sam explained looking at me intently. 

I sigh and roll my eyes. He gave me that puppy look. "Fine. But we need to wait a bit. I know Dean won't wanna keep Bree." I say getting out and packing my belongings.

Sam smiles and helps move my stuff to their car. I pull out my phone and call a local hunter named Josh. 

"Hello?" he answers.

"Hey Joshy, it's me Alex." I say flirtatiously. Yeah I hook up with him, but only cause I would need favors later on.

"Alex. It's nice to hear your angelic voice this nice morning. What can I do for you?" He asked happily to hear from me.

Dean's P.O.V.

I watched as she dialed a number on her phone and placed it to her ear. I can't believe I actually did that last night. I mean what was I thinking? It must be all the stress lately. Trying to maintain a decent relationship with Ben and Lisa, AND trying to find out what's wrong with Sam. He's been acting different lately.

"Hey Joshy, it's me Alex." she said with obvious flirt in her voice. She and this guy must have done something if she's talking to him like that. 

"Josh hon, you know how you said you liked my dog and my car?" Alex paused a minute. Then she continued with a silky smooth voice, "Well you see I'm starting to travel with some old hunting..." she glanced at Sam and then eyed me pretty harshly, "...buddies. One of them doesn't do dogs, and we'll be using the same car. I was wondering if I could stop by your place and drop Bree and the car off. She's much better trained and is helpful with hunting. So what do you say?" she says biting her lip.

She's so attractive when she does that. "Really? Awesome! You're the best Josh! Byee." she said slurring the end.

"Okay, if you guys could just follow me that'd be awesome. It'll only take a few minutes." she says climbing into her car. 

Sam and I get in our car and follow her to some cabin in a forest nearby. Her and Bree hop out. She races towards the house and jumps in the arms of a fairly attractive man. He spins her around in the air and she's smiling like never before. I stand up out of the car as he sets her down and they share a passionate kiss.

He wraps an arm around her waist and she holds onto his hand with her's. She leads him over to Sam and I who are leaning on Baby.

"Josh, this is Sam and Dean. I'll be hunting with them for a while." Alex says looking happy with him. I feel a hint of jealousy inside myself. I don't know why I was, I was in love with Lisa not her.

"These two? I'm not sure if you should Alex." Josh whispers in her ear and tightens his grip around her protectively.

"Josh, hon," she says placing her hands on his cheeks and bringing him down to her level, "You don't need to worry about me okay? Sam and Dean'll take care of me. You don't need to worry about anything. I'll try to visit as often as possible." Alex says giving him a gentle kiss.

"Now here are the keys to Sweetheart." Alex started speaking to Josh, but he kept his eyes set on me. "Honey, are you listening?"

"What? Yeah, keys to Sweetheart." Josh replies turning all his focus to her. 

"Now take care of Bree, all her food is in the bag along with her bowls. I also slipped in her trick list so you know how to keep control of her. She'll guard the house and will bark twice if anything comes in without warning or your consent." Alex rambled on putting things in bags and carrying them to his house. 

"Oh guys come on in for a beer. Alex will wanna unpack everything orderly before you all leave." Josh said following her inside along with the dog.

We walk inside the surprisingly neat hunter's home. Lore books set up neatly and dusted. Floor vacuumed and kitchen clean. Alex sets her bags on the counter and pulls out three beers. Handing one to Sam, Josh, and I.

"Now Josh, you can take the car out for spins around town, but I'd suggest not taking her out for hunting trips. Sometimes it'll take a while to start her up." Alex explains  putting things in cabinets and drawers. She bends over placing the two bowls on the ground. Exposing her ass. "Now remember to feed her three times a day." she said still bent over and filling the bowls. I'm standing behind Josh and Sam, and can tell all three of us are staring at her ass. When she straightens back up and turns around we all avert our eyes acting like we weren't. "Got it babe?" she asked running a hand through her hair and giving a sweet smile.

"Yeah I got it all right." Josh replied.

Her smile got brighter, "Great. You guys almost ready? I wanna leave before noon so we miss traffic."

"Yep yeah we are." Sam and I stutter tossing our beer bottles out.

We walk outside and wait for her to come out while we sit in the car. I bet she's saying goodbye to her dog. We sit there as she walks out with Josh. She turns around and kisses him passionately. His hand moves from her back down to the one part her ass is exposed and squeezes it.

My jaw clenches as the pull apart and rest their foreheads together.

"Dude you alright?" Sam asks looking at me.

"Yeah great." I say as Alex and Josh say farewells. Josh goes back inside and Alex slides in into the back seat. 

And we pull off onto the main road again.

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