Fry-Day in hell

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300 reads! I honestly can't even believe I've gotten this many reads. I have a few ideas for my next few stories including a sequel to this book. Not sure what I'll write next but I hope my writing skills will improve as well.

When the bright light that had engulfed Missy, Dean and Sherlock in Sherlocks flat had disappeared Missy was nowhere in sight. But the two men were passed out on the floor of some cage, with bumpy stony floors and walls. With bone used as cage doors, the smell in the air was that of death a smell both Dean and Sherlock had come accustomed to.

When Sherlock had woken up he took in his surroundings, dirty cave like cage with bone doors, faint traces of blood on the walls probably suggesting some form of torture. Sherlock strolled up to the cage doors, the doors were all spastic and no room for Sherlock to stick his head out. Sherlock turned around to look at Dean who was now beginning to awaken from his slumber.

"Dean, were not in the flat anymore. And this place seems familiar yet so foreign, maybe you can help to figure out where we are."

Dean still being groggy from the stuff that Missy had sent into his system, grumpily replied. "Give me a second would ya, I just got up after that bitch knocked us out." Dean stood up and brushed himself off, and after doing so looked around the room. Once realizing where he was, he was in absolute shock, terror, and afraid. Sherlock noted the shock on his face, and being Sherlock didn't know how to properly comfort someone.

"What is it Dean?" Sherlock had asked, trying to sound as comforting as possible. "you look like you've seen some kind of ghost, or some terrifying experience." Dean wiped his fear from his face, and instead replaced it with braveness mixed with some anger.

"Were in hell Sherlock." Dean didn't even want to say the word, he didn't want to believe he was in hell, Again. Him and Sammy had so many bad memories of hell, but that's to be expected of it as well.

The bone doors began to creak and move, creating an archway in the middle. Then a figure that Dean knew all to well strolled into the cage with a big smirk on his face Dean wanted so badly to run at him and kill him, but knew it was out of the question at the moment.

"Oh little baby Dean, don't give me that look." the man had a pouty face on with his head slightly tilted, his head turned back to normal standing position, and a grin grew across his face when he saw sherlock. "oh my little masterpiece is here as well."

"Leave him alone lucifer." Dean shouted as he ran at the devil himself, acting out of anger. Lucifer quickly reacted by throwing Dean against a wall, letting him fall to the ground instead of holding him in the air like he might usually do.

"What do you want from me." Sherlock quickly asked, in a more calculated way instead of stoping lucifer from hurting a friend. Sherlock just wanted this interaction done and over with. "And please try not to waste anyone's time."

"Let's just say I want you here, with me in hell." Lucifer was so happy with how things are going, maybe he could actually have the apocalypse happen that the winchesters stopped years ago. A female demon quickly came up to lucifer, whispered something in his ear, then quickly left. Lucifer looked really mad, it was no mystery that demon didn't want to stick around. Lucifer however didn't outwardly express any anger, instead kept it all cooped up inside. "well my pet and key, it seems someone on your dirty planet needs a reminder of their place." lucifer then disappeared, the bone cage doors returning to normal.

" I really hate that asshole." Dean muttered to himself while Sherlock began to investigate the cage, possibly to see if there was a way out.


"Yes and the location is a cemetery, and that is where the so called gender changing friend of yours died." Mycroft began to plug coordanets into the tardis, the doctor almost seemed surprised at the fact that Mycroft could operate the tardis slightly. But then again he could have met a future version of the doctor. Mycroft stopped entering the coordanets then stepped back letting ten take over the controlls.

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