Dance with the Devil

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This chapter of my book is dedicated to my good friend TimeHunterof221B she has been working really hard on a big fanfiction, which is why she hasn't been posting a whole lot. So hopefully this mention will get her even more motivated than she is right now!!!

"Hey little brother, you like what I did to our younger brothers." Lucifer spoke to Gabriel, however no one else seemed to be moving from their spots. "Oh Cas and Balthazar are so weak." Lucifer knowing that Gabriel would quickly jump at him, side stepped quickly avoiding Gabriel's attack.

"How dare you harm them, you need to grow up and stop having hissy fits because dad didn't favour you." Gabriel half hissed, half said to his older brother. As he dusted himself off, standing up after crashing to the ground from missing Lucifer.

"Gabe, come on you know this isn't about dad anymore."

"Then what is it about."

"That would be to easy now wouldn't it, and if you and your ragtag group of friends here continue to interfere with my plans. You guys may never see Dean, or Sherlock again. Also brother I'm going to allow your friends out of their frozen state, you can choose to share whatever I just said." Lucifer snapped his fingers, and he was gone.

As lucifer removed himself from the room, everyone including the two angels came out of the trance that they had been put in. The two angels taking the longest to snap out, because they had been in the trance longer.

"Wait, when did everyone get here?" Cas mumbled, almost stumbling because of being dizzy from the trance like state. Cas eventually began to fall, but Gabriel was there as fast as a bullet to catch him.

"Lucifer was here." Sam replied to the Angel, who was now steady on his feet. Sam then had anger begin to grow inside of him, he knew lucifer had something to do with Deans disappearance. "I swear, I'm going to kill that angel."

"In due time you just might moose." Crowley interjected, noting the anger that was on Sam's face. "just we need to find a way to get the two captives safe first." at that comment the demon had made, everyone seemed to agree with it. everyone began to start talking about it.

"Well my first guess would be hell." Clara said, putting her input into the conversation. However Twelve, and Mycroft just kind of looked at her like that was too obvious of a place to put them. "ok to obvious then?"

"There you go, now you've got it figured out." Mycroft said, however smart Mycroft claimed to be even he had little to no clue where his brother could be kept captive.

"Anyone also have any bloody ideas." Balthazar impatiently input, he didn't like waiting around. Nor did he want to just stand around humans if he was just going to do nothing but contemplate where two humans could be.

"Well, we could capture an ally of Lucifers." The whole group looked at Crowley like he was a saviour, like he had just solved all the problems in the world. "really none of you thought of that." Crowley face palmed, almost wanting to teleport away. But if he chose to do so, he would only slow down the progress of putting Lucifer back in the cage.

"No Crowley none of us did." Sam said with a bit of annoyance, however it was likely nicer than what anyone else could have said. "Question is, who should we go after. Who would know the most about where Sherlock, and Dean are?"

"Missy would probably know." Rose spoke up. "she was the one that took them, it would only make sense that she would know where they are." Rose knew that her plan was brilliant, because her doctor ran over to her and gave her a big hug. He then backed away from the hug while still having his hands on her shoulder.

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