Beware the lies being told

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"Hell looks allot more organized than i would have thought it would be." Sherlock noted, as instead of hell being all fire and burning all the time, instead it was all clean hallways and lots of people waiting in endless lines.

"Yeah this whole layout was Crowley's idea." Lucifer began. "However I plan on changing hell once my plan has gone through."

"Back to the endless people being physically tortured, i assume."

"You assume correct Sherlock, how much do you prefer my design over Crowley's?"

"That shouldn't even be a question, yours."

"And why is that?" Lucifer knew the general answer, but asking Sherlock these questions was a way to push him darker faster.

"Because your design is much more suiting of hell, Crowley has gone soft." Sherlock saw the smile that was growing on lucifers face, and he liked the fact that Lucifer was happy with him. Sherlock felt more loyalty to Lucifer than he had to anyone else, except maybe one person in his life. But that person didn't matter to him right now, all that mattered to Sherlock right now was pleasing, and obeying Lucifer.

"Crowley was once a great demon, but hanging around Sam, Dean, and my brother Castiel all the time has begun to make him soft." Lucifer looked at Sherlock, and he was one hundred precent sure that this detective that was once on the angels side would now do whatever he was asked to. In other words Sherlock had gone completely dark. "Sherlock, there is something I want you to do for me?"

"What is it?" Sherlock asked, his eyes still as black as a deep dark pit.

"I wan't you to go back up to the group and infiltrate them, slow them down and steal me a tardis. Also add in a little flare, convince them that Dean is dead."

"And once i acquire this Tardis, where would you have me take it." Sherlocks brain was still as smart as it was before he went full demon.

"Well Sherlock, you're asking all the right questions thats for sure." Lucifer then went to whisper in Sherlock's ear, as sherlocks eyes turned back to normal. "I want you to bring the tardis to."


"Ok getting past the fact that Crowley knew about them being in hell." Gabriel said to the whole group. "let's be sensible about this, and ask him without violence." Gabriel glared at John, and Cas. Knowing they were the most upset about this whole situation, as they should be. Dean and Cas were so close, anyone could clearly see that. And the same went for John and Sherlock.

"Ok, brother." Cas half snapped, half politely replied. "Do you have any clue where Dean is in hell?" It took all of Cas's strength not to charge at Crowley.

"And Sherlock." John input.

"Yes, the funny detective man." Cas input, putting pressure on the so called king of hell.

"Well, if they are in hell like your brother claims he is. Then we need to be extra careful, because the area he's in is heavily guarded. Now that Lucifer has likely taken over hell, I probably won't be allowed anywhere near that section."

"you will get them back right now." Das shouted at the demon. "And if you don't then expect some pain, possibly death to come your way."

"Cas if I go down there by myself guns blazing, with no plan i might add. I will most definitely die."

"Yeah you're going to die at the hands of me and Cas here pretty soon." John angrily said to Crowley.

"The answer is no guys, i'm not going to hell by myself without any plan at all."

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