Where oh where has Lucifer gone?

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This story was helped to have been started by TimeHunterof221B after talking to her. I hope this story turns out as well as her fire and ice superwholock story!

Crowley's storming back and forth in front of one of the demons in charge of guarding the cage, he was furious. The cage was one hundred precent Lucifer free, with Michael still trapped in the cage.

"Sir if I knew how....." the demon started before he was cut off by pissed off Crowley right in his face.

"I don't want to hear your stupid ass excuses" Crowley threw the demon across the room with demon magic."my ass could be on the line which also means the end of you!" Crowley kept storming back and forth. he then angrily strode over to the demon who was struggling to get up from the anger throw and screamed in his face. "FIX THIS NOW"

"What about the angels sir." the demon shakily said brushing himself off as he stood up.

"Sam and dean tend to know more than those winged asses half the time" Crowley smiled "your a genus"

"I am"

"Well with the angel thing, but other than that your just a useless idiot now LEAVE." the demon quickly vanished away not wanting to face Crowley when he was this pissed off. "Now I need to find those winged babies" Crowley snapped his fingers and disappeared from hell.

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