Good Guys Good Guys What You Gonna Do?

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"Doctor." Clara spoke softly to twelve, as she had her head rested on him. Clara didn't know if she was ready to go out there, where Danny had died. She needed to ask the doctor a question for security, so she would feel safe leaving the Tardis and going to a place she remembered as bad.

"Yes Clara" the doctor replied looking into her eyes, he could tell she was nervous. But twelve also understood why she would be. Clara took her head off the doctor and tried to compose herself in a more respectable, almost confident manner. However you could still feel the nervous energy radiating from her.

"Doctor, what if Danny's out there. I know it's practically impossible, but stranger things have happened before. It's just if he's out there." A tear began to run down her delicate face, she however quickly wiped it up. "If he's out there I won't be able to handle it" the last few words that Clara had said had a bit of fear and sadness in them.

The doctor then stepped away from Clara, causing Clara and the others to follow him to the tardis door. The doctor put his hand on the door of the Tardis, but before he opened the doors he turned to Clara.

"If he's out there, you can stay in here until your ready to see him." Clara nodded at twelve, agreeing with what the doctor was saying. Twelve swung the doors of the tardis, not to find Danny but to find one of the groups that were trying to stop Lucifer from causing an apocalypse. "Your not supposed to be in this location." twelve said heading towards ten, pushing him away from where missy was killed. Nearly having ten trip over a gravestone. Ten grabbed onto twelve's jacket to stop himself from completely toppling over.

" I have just as much of a right to be here as you do." ten fiercely said to twelve's face, who then pulled out the note they had found at the first murder and handed the paper to twelve. The paper still had some dirt on it from being buried under the ground twelve opened the paper and began to read it silently in his head. "Read it out loud, so we don't have to have everyone read it individually."

"Mycroft or one of the Holmes brothers

You are so far behind the schedule my friends, however I feel generous today. The place you will want to go it that of the place of an old friend, one that has died and brought back a different gender. check the hill in the cemetery where a burn mark has been left.

Lots of love


P.s. The drums are still going"

"The drums, whoever this Jim is. He's referring to Missy isn't he?" Clara moved closer to twelve giving him a side hug, making herself more secure.

"Jim is Sherlock's old rival better known as Moryarty." John had but in, john didn't like moryarty all that much. But john had a reason, that man had done so many horrible things to him and Sherlock.

"So this Jim character knows about all this," Gabriel paused for effect "supernatural stuff. What kind of creature is he?" Gabriel said to the whole group but mostly was directed to John and Mycroft.

"Human I'm afraid." Mycroft responded to the archangel, who had a slightly worried expression on his otherwise cool face. The slightly worried face would however go undetected to an untrained eye. "I think it's also time to join up with our third group." everyone looked like they were agreed to what Mycroft was saying. "Gabriel, try contacting Cas to see how they are doing."

"Will do." Gabriel closed his eyes and began to go into thought, but after what seemed like a few seconds he reopened his eyes, with a not so successful look on his face. "I can't seem to contact my little brother."

"Maybe Lucifer got to them." Sam suggested. It was a scary thing to think. But it was a likely possibility that was happening. "I hope that's not the case, but it is highly likely considering what were doing."

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