Dark Detective

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"What does lucifer mean by that." Sherlock began to shake, knowing that lucifer was turning him into some kind of monster. "I don't know why it felt so good for me to beat you up Dean."

Dean was still lying on the ground, with blood dripping from his face onto the sone ground. However Dean was a bit ticked off at Sherlock, but he figured by taking his anger out on Sherlock could push the detective closer to the dark side.

"It could just be Lucifer messing with our heads." Dean sat up after replying to sherlocks panic, but not without pain. His whole face stung whenever he moved it, including speaking. Which is why he chose to speak as little as possible, and make his talking short and sweet.

"No it isn't just him messing with us Dean, the joy I felt while beating you up." Sherlock paused, not even wanting to say that he enjoyed it. "The joy I felt while beating you up was real Dean."

Sherlock strolled over to Dean, towering over the sitting hunter. Dean decided to stand up at this point, ignoring the pain. when he stood he was still shorter than Sherlock, but at least the height range was closer when he stood.

"When archangels use magic, they can make you feel things that you wouldn't think real." Dean began to back away from the detective, who began to walk towards him. Dean expected to back into the rigid, pointy bone cage door. But instead of backing into the door he backed into lucifer. At first he didn't realize, but once he spun around and saw who it was he froze in place.

"Now Dean" the Arcangel started, "you know we don't go telling people about the magic of angels." And with those final words from lucifer, the Arcangel lifter his arm and using magic slammed Dean against the far wall. Lucifer began to proceed to where he had slammed Dean against the wall, and was holding him on the wall. "How shall I punish you, should I go bring Sammy down here?"

"You ass" Dean growled at Lucifer, then went to shout at Sherlock. "Sherlock help me!" Dean cried out, not wanting to face the devil himself alone. Normally Dean would be facing things this powerful with his brother or even Cas, but now he was alone he felt more scared than brave.

However Deans cry for help didn't cause Sherlock to move one inch. The detective stood in the spot he was in when Lucifer had slammed Dean into the wall. Sherlock didn't know why he felt so opposed to helping Dean, but he didn't question these feelings and decided to follow them.

Why don't you help your friend here Sherlock." Lucifer looked at the detective, who was completely stone faced at the whole ordeal. "I could kill him, don't you feel the need to help someone in need?" Sherlocks unchanging expression really answered Lucifers question, but Sherlock still chose to respond to it.

"Because Lucy." Sherlock stated, "I don't really feel like it, and plus helping Dean here. who I don't know all to well, could possibly put me in danger. Helping him could Lead to my death."

Lucifer smiled at the detectives response, satisfied that his plan was going so smoothly. Dean however, was absolutely shocked at his response. Sherlock was turning dark, well darker than he normally was. Dean hopped this wasn't anything too serious, but knowing his luck this action and words that Sherlock had just said were exactly what he feared it would be.


"Moryarty is such a smart individual, it honestly doesn't surprise me that he's working with lucifer." Mycroft stated to the whole group, once he recovered from the shock of the news. John however was still shocked, his last encounter with Moryarty ended in Sherlock jumping off a building.

"Yeah I remember when he had his face plastered over every electronic on earth. And it was just him saying did you miss me, over and over again. The Tardis even received the signal, however i was unable to track it." Ten input, as he wandered to the other side of the Tardis console. He found the spot that blocked him from Missy's view, which is exactly what he wanted right now. "Mycroft?" Ten asked.

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