Lets Steal A Tardis

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"But Dean, he can't." Cas began to shed a tear, Sam who was also quite upset and crying about this news went over to the angel and embraced him in a hug. 

"There's nothing we can do about Dean right now." Sherlock said with fake tears streaming down his face, everyone seemed to take in the tears except for Mycroft. Mycroft didn't even really seem sad about the news of Dean being dead either, no one even seemed to take in the fact that Mycroft was un moved by this whole situation. "I need to, i mean wee need to figure out what to do next." Before Sherlock broke out into tears again, John went over to Sherlock and embraced him in a hug. Sherlock hugged him right back.

"Sherlock, how did Dean get killed?" Ten asked, as rose was hugging him crying. Clara was doing the exact same thing to Twelve, although twelve was abit tense about the hug he let Clara hug him. As this was an extremely special circumstance. "And did you find out any of Lucifers plans?"

"I wasn't in the room when lucifer did it...." Sherlock began with tears forming in his eyes as he said it, "But i heard it happen, and i just.... I Just..... I......." Sherlock then full out started crying again, this time Mycroft went up to John pulling him off of Sherlock. Once he had done so, Mycroft helped Sherlock to his feet putting one of Sherlock's arms around him to help support him.

"Sherlock, why don't you go take a break. Rest in the tardis, don't worry we will fill you in once you feel better little brother." Sherlock didn't complain, nor did he say anything after his brother suggested he rested in the twelfth doctors tardis. Once Sherlock had entered the tardis Mycroft walked over to Twelve and handed him a slip of paper reading.

Can Sherlock hear us from inside the tardis with the doors closed?

"No," Twelve replied to the note. "Why would it matter if he could hear us anyways?" Twelves scottish accent really came out in that last line. 

"Well the reason may surprise most of you, especially those of you who see and don't observe." John glared at Mycroft, Sherlock had used a very similar line on him before. "But something is wrong with my brother."


Once Mycroft had shut the doors behind him, Sherlock really took a new intake of the Tardis interior. The centre part of the Tardis in the centre had a cylinder running all the way to the floor and the roof. a hexagon shaped mid floor was about halfway from the floor to the roof, then a hexagon shaped control panel a few feet above the metal mid floor, and finally a cone shaped metal structure with some galifreyan writing on it transitioned the cylinder to the roof. along one of the railings that was on the mid floor Sherlock saw, who he assumed to be Missy. Lucifer had told him about her, but not a whole lot just that he could help him pilot the Tardis to the place Lucifer wanted it to be.

"You Sherlock, ohhh i'm so scared." Missy mocked Sherlock, "Do you really think that being the so called famous Sherlock Holmes gives you more sway on me?" Missy laughed. "Well i'm sorry to say, but i'm not going to say a single word to you."

"Oh, i think i am." Sherlock closed his eyes, and when he re opened them again they were pitch black. Missy at first gasped, but shortly after the surprise of Sherlock being a demon a huge smile began to creep across her face.

"Well, welcome to the team Sherlock." missy then looked back at the ropes that were tying her to the railing, then back to Sherlock. "And would you mind uniting these ropes? I've been tied her for such a long time."

"Sure." Without even moving from where he was, Sherlock used the demon magic he had to untie the ropes, the ropes fell to the bottom of the tardis and made a thud sound. Missy rubbed her wrists as she stood up, once she was fully standing she took her time to dust off her dress. "Also Missy, do you by chance know how to fly this device?" Sherlock asked as his eyes returned to their normal colour.

"Why yes i do." Missy replied with confidence, she strolled to the tardis console and began to flip some levers, and push some buttons that Sherlock had no clue in what they did. "Where is it that Lucifer wants the tardis.?"

"Egypt, more specifically the great pyramid of Giza."


"what do you mean something is wrong with sherlock," John sounded almost offended that Mycroft would suggest that he was not ok, "HE IS FINE, HE WENT THROUGH TRAUMA AND IS NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND RIGHT NOW."  John shouted at Mycroft, Clara and Rose looked like they wanted to step in however they still clung onto their doctors.

"He's been through trauma before John, and has never reacted like this."

"Reacted like what, I didn't notice anything different about him aren't humans supposed to cry when a friend dies." Balthazar input, after being silent for so long.

"Well my brother is not like other humans, he has a certain detachment from feelings." Mycroft began. "He would never have cried as much as he did if dean actually died, he is lying and we should probably get him out of the Tardis before....."

The sound the Tradis makes when it begins to travel through time and space began to echo throughout the room. A sound that would normally fill people with hope, was now filling everyone in the room with fear. The whole group turned their heads towards the tardis, and it was slowly beginning to vanish from the room. Mycroft was right, there was something wrong with Sherlock, and Sherlock was inside of the tardis right now. Teleporting it to who knows where.

"SHERLOCK, NO!" John shoutted, as he ran towards the Tardis, ignoring the shouts from the doctors telling him to stop. John clung to the Tardis, and he began to disappear and reappear with the tardis. Not before long John had completely disappeared with the tardis.

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I hadn't had a lot planed for this chapter. But the next update i put out will be the last! (see the next capture/authors note!)(Also excludes the authors note chapter)

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