Its the end of the world as we know it

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"Is that it?" John asked Lucifer, however Lucifer was to preoccupied to respond to him. Instead Moryarty took it upon himself to respond to John.

"Oh it is Johnny boy," Moryarty began "it might not look like the device you had imagined but that is it. It is going to plunge everyone into murdering each other." Moryarty said that last part with so much joy, he could have exploded from all the joy inside him.

After Lucifer stopped feeling up, and eye fucking the doomsday device. He turned around and walked away from it, looking at Missy and nodding at her signalling her to start hooking up the device to the Tardis. Missy quickly got to work on Lucifers request, she ran into the Tardis and emerged with four separate cables. The cables were quite heavy, so she slowly dragged the cables over to the device. Once at the device Missy individually hooked up each cable to a separate claw on the doomsday device. Missy then jogged into the Tardis, once she was done hooking up the cords

"The Tardis is the final piece to this device. The time energy that the Tardis holds is what powers the device, and allows the signal to spread around the globe." John said nothing, as lucifer just spewed his plan out to him. "Soon everyone on this planet except us, will be killing each other." 

"Oh shit." John replied, as he sat tied up in suspense. Not knowing how soon this terrible plan was going to happen.


Crowley was leading the group that he had taken with him to hell, on a rescue mission to save Dean Winchester. Crowley knew hell very well, and luckily Lucifer hadn't had time to change the appearance of hell yet, due to his revenge plan taking up all of his time. Hell being the same as Crowley left it meant that a bunch of secret passages that he had put in, were still there. It was those hidden passages that Crowley was leading them down, and that was the reason they had been completely undetected so far. 

"Crowley, we've been wandering through these tunnels for a while now." Sam began getting impatient, wanting to get to his brother immediately. "Are you even sure you know where they are?"

"Of course he doesn't." Balthazar interrupted, being just annoyed with the whole situation. "He's just acting like he knows, so we don't try to kill him."

"If I don't bloody know where the squirrel is, then kill me now." Crowley replied to Balthazar, as he stopped walking. After Balthazar didn't really follow through on killing Crowley, and just turned away from Crowley. Crowley continued talking. "I may not know exactly what cage they are in, but I do have a pretty good idea what area they are in." Crowley continued walking through the secret halls, with the rest of the group following.


The walk back to the tardis, was a fairly silent one. It wan't silent because the group disliked each other, but because of the tension of the end of the world just around the corner. Once they had got to the tardis, it was covered in magazines advertising some concert somewhere just around the block.

"One direction, who is this one direction band?" Ten asked as he ripped the posters from his tardis, the rest of the group assisted in helping Ten. Clara giggled slightly, as she looked at one poster before tearing it down.

"why are you giggling?" Rose asked, after all the posters were torn down off the tardis.

"What year is it for you, like what is the time zone that you came from approximately?" Clara asked, Clara didn't know a whole lot of Rose as the doctor didn't really tend to speak of her much.

"About the year 2009, although before this we came from the year 2012. We didn't have much time to look around or take in the popular things, why do you ask." The tardis at this point was already opened, and everyone was inside except for Rose and Clara who were standing outside till chatting to each other.

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