Pool Side Scandal

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"Why are my eyes black." Sherlock asked, concerned but not afraid. "if someone doesn't tell me why my eyes are pitch black, I swear if someone doesn't tell me why my eyes are black I swear."

"It's because your a demon now, either that or some dumb ass demon has possessed you." With that statement Dean was shoved into the wall of the cage a bit harder, as Lucifer didn't appreciate his input.

"Now Dean, you don't want to anger Sherlock do you."

"I'm not insulting him, I'm insulting demons you idjit."

"Oohhhhh using Bobby's lines now are we?" Lucifer asked knowing it would aggravate the hunter, however Dean didn't give him the satisfaction of a reply. "But Dean here got something right, I'll show you, and tell you what that is if you come with me."

Sherlock still looked conflicted, unsure of what to do. He wanted to go with lucifer, and discover what he was becoming. But at the same time the human side of him was telling him to stay with Dean, that going with lucifer would only bring out the demon in him.

"Don't go with him, he will only use you for his own gain Sherlock."

"Well, Dean's not wrong Sherlock." Lucifer grinned, "I will use you for my own gain, but something tells me you don't care."

"He's right Dean." Sherlock mumbled, looking down at his feet not wanting to look the hunter in the eye. "I wan't to go with Lucifer, because I like the power that is growing inside of me. I wan't to learn why my eyes are black, and i'm sure sitting in this cage with you will give me no further clue as to how powerful i can get." Sherlock strolls out of the cage, Lucifer follows Sherlock then turning back to dean mouthing the words whoops before going out of view.

"Shit!" Dean shouts, as he hits the ground from being released. "Sherlock almost resisted." Dean ran up to the cage door and kicked it as hard as he could, causing his foot to throb with pain. But Dean didn't show the pain in his face, he only shouted in the direction Lucifer and Sherlock had went. "You're going to regret this you ass, you won't win."


"So where exactly are we looking John." Balthazar asked john, clearly annoyed that Lucifer wasn't the first thing the group had seen when they opened the tardis doors. "Are you sure we are at the right place."

"Yes he is." Mycroft interjected, replying to Balthazar instead of John as he knew all about this little exchange. "This whole exchange between Sherlock and Moryarty was documented, don't even try to convince me it's not." Mycroft then continued to look around the place, but it was Crowley who called out to the group first.

"Guys." Crowley called silently, suggesting that he may have found Moryarty. "Over here, I found Moryarty but."

"But what Crowley." Sam replied as he silently ran over to where Crowley was standing. Sam peered out the open door next to Crowley leading outside, and saw someone he didn't really expect to see at this point in time. "That asshole took my brother." Sam fumed, and no one could have had a chance in hell of stopping Sam from charging out towards Lucifer.

The two villains standing outside were surprised to see Sam charging at them, Moryarty is more shocked than Lucifer was. Sam's charge didn't stop until he was face to face with Lucifer, Sam paid no attention to Moryarty and was putting all his anger towards Lucifer.

"Sam!" Lucifer greeted the angry hunter. "what do I owe the pleasure of meeting my favourite meat suit again."

"Really your going to call me that, it should be a bad memory for you. seeing as I won that battle." Sam pulls out his demon knife, and holds it at his side. Moryarty seemed more curious at this point rather than surprised, probably being Moryarty's ability to read people like the Holmes brothers do.

"Children, let's stop these petty arguments." Gabriel grinned as he walked outside towards the three men, followed by the rest of the group. "Daddy wouldn't be very happy with you Lucy."

"He never is little brother, now what is it you and your goon squad want." Lucifer didn't want to waste any time in speaking to his brother, especially when he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Well I came here to see you brother." As Gabriel strolled towards Lucifer, Sam began to back off. "Why else would we be here." Gabriel quickly pulled in his brother for a hug. Lucifer was clearly confused by his brothers action, however he said nothing about it. As soon as Gabriel released Lucifer from the hug, Gabriel smacked his brother across the cheek.

"Well was that really necessary, I mean I did kill you once don't piss me off Gabriel."

"Well brother, its for all the things that your going to do in your future."

"My future? What do you mean, my future." Lucifer glared at his brother, who seemed to have a smirk plastered across his face. "time travel, even do us archangels can be extremely difficult." Lucifer then turns his attention towards the rest of the group. "How did you all time travel like that, I swear if you don't tell me I'll kill off every single one of you." Lucifer point at Rose. "Starting with that bitch."

"Rose is definitely no bitch." Ten spat back in Lucifers face. "we weren't even looking for you anyway, we were looking for the consulting criminal standing beside you."

"Why would you need me, I haven't even met most of you yet. Johny Boy is the only one I really got to know."

"I am not your friend Moryarty." John said while pointing his finger at him. Clara and Rose had to hold John back, to prevent him from charging at Moryarty.

"Tell me where Dean and that detective are." Cas demanded as he lifted Moryarty up by his suit, not caring how expensive it was.

"I don't know where your silly little friends are angel." Moryarty looked at Lucifer giving him a silent look saying back me up.

"He's not lying you know, plus someone in your company is the so called king of the place future me probably stashed your friends." with those final words Lucifer disappeared, and everyone turned their gaze towards Crowley. Castiel even dropped Moryarty, and completely dropped his attention from him as well.

"Well looks like I'm no use here now, and from the fact that you assumed I knew about your problems means you can't touch me yet." The whole group still had their attention on Crowley, but we're listening to Moryarty. "looks like Crowley is going to have a fun time, and I have les boring things to do so adios." Moryarty then casually walked away, heading off to possibly plan the fall.

Moryarty looks at the company and smart mouths them about the look on their faces that they can't take him out of his time zone anyways. and how Crowley knows where their precious little friends are. he then turns around and leaves.

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