Hey missy your so fine

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Once rose and ten had entered the tardis, they were welcomed by the sound of twelve being all smart.

"No it's really quite simple." Twelve seemed to be mumbling, more towards John than anyone else. "how can you not get that." Twelves Scottish accent seemed to really be showing right now, partially because he was in a bit of a minor argument.

"No it really isn't quite simple as you put it." John mocked the doctors accent with those last words, the doctor however didn't seem to take notice. "it's complicated, and to be quite honest I'm a bit stressed right now because MY BEST FRIEND IS MISSING." Mycroft walked up behind John and pulled him away from the time lord. and Clara did the same with twelve.

"So why are we arguing about the complexity of things?" Rose asked, as she made her way to the tardis console. Followed closely by Ten.

"We're arguing about how simple it is to track missy, all I'm doing is taking her dna from the letter she wrote and putting it into the console." Twelve said more coolly this time, twelve was more calm however John still needed to cool off.

"now doctor, you know the simple people don't understand the things we find simple." Mycroft stepped away from John, towards the twelfth doctor. "Now lets stop wasting time here, we need to get to missy as fast as possible."

"I think he's my favorite human, he almost deserves to be an angel." Balthazar mentioned, but no one really paid attention to his comment. Except maybe Mycroft.

Twelve began fidgeting with the counsel, Inserting the letter into the spot where the Tardis needed it to be to extract missy's DNA. After a few seconds the Tardis began to hum to life, then the whooshing sound the Tardis made began to echo throughout the console room. After about a minute or so the Tardis began to go silent, silent as it could possibly get when it wasn't traveling through time and space.

"well i'm assuming that we landed, lets go outside." Balthazar rushed to the Tardis doors, and exited as fast as he could. Everyone else followed the Angel, but they didn't rush like he did. Once everyone was outside of the Tardis the only two that were surprised, were Clara and the Twelfth Doctor. Sam was the first to notice the amount of surprise on the two time travelers faces.

"Are you guys ok?" Sam went up to the two. "You look like you've seen this place before."

"Thats because we have" Clara almost cried, the place brought back bad memories for her. Because it reminded her of Danny, and this is the place that Dany's conciseness was stored before he was upgraded into a Cyberman.

The place was still as Clara and the Doctor had left it. The ground floor had two little monuments near the door, and two pairs of pillars closer to where the stairs that lead up were. The lighting in the mosoleum was still as gloomy and dark as before, the only real lighting that was on the first floor was a red torch on top of a monument, and the light on top of the Tardis. And if you looked up, all you saw were seamlessly endless stories. And what each of those floors contained were tanks, they held what was at first believed to be just skills and bones. But it was unfortunately later proved to be Cyberman, the Cyberman were hidden in a special water that only showed organic matter. No Dead matter, including metal was seen in the water. 

"shhh shhh shhh." The doctor said as he tried to comfort clara, he grabbed her hand with his right hand.  And with his right hand he lifted her chin, so she was looking directly into his eyes. "Clara it will be fine, we defeated missy before and i'm sure we will do it again." Clara ran into a hug that was too quick for the doctor to refuse, he didn't like hugs because it was just a way to hide ones face in his eyes. As Clara released her arms from around the Dcotor, an erie tune was echoing throughout the building.

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