Last Goodbye

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Outside the pyramid, where Twelve's tardis was parked. Ten's was now beside it and the entire group, minus Crowley were gathered outside them. The entrance to the room where the doomsday device was held, was now sealed up so no one could disturb it for centuries. It was now time to say goodbye to each other, and it was allot harder for some than others.

Sherlock and John were holding hands now, and standing quite close together. Sherlock was finally fully accepting that he loved John, and decided there was no point in trying to hide that anymore. A few feet away from the couple, Mycroft had Moryarty handcuffed.

"We are going to make sure that he stays locked up for a long time." Mycroft said, directing the he part at Moryarty. "He will be put in solitary confinement, and only people approved by me will be allowed to take care of him." Mycroft nodded at Balthazar, he came over towards Mycroft and Missy first and teleported them to England. He then walked over to Sherlock and John, but instead teleported them to their flat.

"well, it's been fun ladies and gentleman. But i'm going to have to go leave now." And with that Balthazar flew away with the blink of an eye. To where, no one knows.

"Well it's probably time for us to leave too rose." Ten told rose, and Rose began to give everyone hugs. Ten followed Rose's lead and hugged everyone too, everyone accepted the hugs immediately except for Twelve who tried his best to resist the hugging. As Ten and Rose were entering the tardis, Twelve quickly asked Ten a question.

"Where are you two headed off to?"

"Back to London a few years back. There are these ghosts that are appearing everywhere, and i really need to know what it is. I'm assuming that torchwood is behind this but it could be anything from Zygons to Cyberman." Ten said no more to anyone else and went inside his tardis, soon a whooshing sound was heard. The tardis was beginning to disappear, and it was likely the last true time Ten and Rose would ever travel to a new location together.

"Well it's time for me to go back into hiding. It's dangerous being the last archangel free roaming the world." Gabriel let out a little smirk, then snapped his fingers and disappeared without a sound.

Twelve, Clara, Missy, Sam, Dean, and Cas were the only ones left in the desert. Seeing how everyone left quickly, the remainder of the group saw no point in any mushy goodbyes.

"It was quite lovely meeting you winchester boys." Clara ran up to each of them, and hugged them in turn. She then turned her attention to Cas. "And of course you to Castiel."

"Cas is fine."

"Ok, Cas. it was nice meeting you too." Clara hugged cas, she then headed straight for the tardis, leaving Twelve outside with team free will.

"Well, i might not know exactly what to do with her but ill figure something out." Twelve waved goodbye as he pulled a tied up Missy into the tardis. Once they were inside, the same thing happened with Twelves tardis as with Ten's. Except they were headed to a different destination.  

No words were needed for team free will's exit. Cas just looked at Sam, and Dean who nodded at him in a way that Cas knew to take them to the bunker.


About one week later inside the Pyramid, in the room where the doomsday device once was. Gabriel appeared, seemingly concerned as to why he was there. It was evident by the expression on his face that it wasn't his choice to be there, someone or something had brought him here. 

"What do you want, why am i here?" Gabriel asked, looking around the pitch black tomb. Gabriel couldn't see anything in the room, until a figure stepped out of the shadows revealing himself to be Chuck the prophet. Or as more people know him as, God.

"look who's asking all the right questions." God then slowly walked up to Gabriel, who didn't back up at all from the spot he was standing in. "I have a little job for you, that requires some trickster like qualities." the two celestial beings smiled at each other, then disappeared from the tomb. They had headed off to do the job that God had asked of Gabriel, and what a job it was.  


it's kinda bittersweet that the story is finished, but now i can move onto bigger and more ambitious story's! I hope everyone enjoyed reading my first fanfiction!

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