Tomb Raders

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The time vortex was a pretty big change of sight for john to see, it looked like blue coloured clouds, with the occasional lightning strike hitting the Tardis. Thankfully none of those lightning strikes had hit John, however he had to spend about a minute wondering if that was what was going to be his death. Sherlock, or anyone would probably never see him again as his body would be stuck in the time vortex, forever. Once the tardis had left the time vortex

When the tardis had got to its destination john was inside some dark tomb with little light. John let go of the tardis and backed away from it, not looking at what was behind him only looking at the tardis. After a few feet of backing up John bumped into someone, he quickly spun around to see who it was an it was Moryarty.

"Well, look who was dragged somewhere they shouldn't be. I'm very disappointed in you Johnny boy." Moryarty risked at john, and Moryarty knew that John being here could completely mess up Lucifers plans.

Sherlock and Missy were now emerging from the tardis, Missy exited first followed by Sherlock who was closing the tardis doors. Sherlock was slightly surprised, however the demon side of him didn't let the surprise be the main emotion. Knowing that John would get in his way, he decided to do something about it.

"Tie that nuisance up." Sherlock ordered Missy and Moryarty, John had a look of shock on his face as he tried to resist being tied up. But he had no such luck, Missy and Moryartys strength was way stronger than Johns. Even if John was able to out strength the two Sherlock would probably step in, and his demon powers would be able to out strength him with ease.

"Why and how is that hedgehog in the tomb?" Lucifer asked the three bad guys as he walked into the room. Lucifer was clearly annoyed at the fact that John was able to sneak his way into the tomb, and he wanted to know how and why he was here.

"From what I can understand," Sherlock began "John still believes that I am on the side of the Angels. But unfortunately for him I no longer am, I am now on the side of the devil. and their is nothing he can do to change that fact." Sherlock looked straight at John as he said that last part, he then turned his attention towards lucifer again. "And how he got here, I believe he clung onto the outside of the tardis as it was traveling through time."

"Is that even possible?" Lucifer asked, not knowing a whole lot about how the tardis traveled through time.

"Oh it is entirely possible, after the first time that happened to the tardis it learned to cope. However at first, it killed someone who came back to life about five minutes later."

"Getting past this time travel stuff," Moryarty said, getting impatient with the interruption. "We need to get back to the real reason we are here. Lucy where is the entrance to the room?" Moryarty had a pretty good idea of where it was, but he wanted to be sure he didn't want to look like a complete idiot.

"Over there," Lucifer pointed to a wall with hilogriphics all over the wall, the only ones in the whole room they were in that hadn't faded. They depicted the end of the world, or at least what looked like the end of the world. As
Lucifer pointed to the wall covered in hilogriphics and pictures depicting the end of the world.

Sherlock and Moryarty looked at each other, despite hating each other in the past they agreed on working on how to open that door. John watched in horror as Sherlock began to work with Moryarty.


"Doctor," Clara began to ask, her voice a bit shaky. "Where did the tardis go to?"

Twelve was paying no attention to anyone at the moment, he was too busy searching the room. He clearly didn't agnoledge Clara, so Clara decided to speak up louder this time.

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