chapter 11 farewell

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There she was. Lying all on the floor. Her pastel rainbow blood filled the  floor. She still breathed but how long. The gangreen gang were shocked. Cengiz knew what meanth flr him. He breathed heavily "this is all my fault!!!" He whined. He holdes his head. Archie tried to calm the red haired cat man down "don't blame yourself" he said. Cengiz teeth sharpened "t... take care of melinda... NOW" cengiz said grubber was already with melinda "keep breathing ok? " he said. Lil arturo was already on the way to melinda while snake looked at billy "are you commingssss?" He asked "I am gonna stay with cengiz... just go"  billy answered. Snake turned around and went to melinda. He called the ambulance. Cengiz screamed. His beard grew into a full lions mane. His eyes glew up red. His appearance changed from a two legged human into his big four legged creature. His wing bursted out ripping his jacked and t-shirt. His scorpion tail grew. Everything ripped lff from his body exept his pants. Big billy's animal loving side came out of him he petted cengiz "easy" he said. He tried the best to stay calm cengiz breathed heavily. He meowed. Tears streaming down in his face. Archie was extremely shocked "CENGIZ?" he screamed. Cengiz sniffed at the air. He stood up really quick opening his wings. Pink dust came around the three ones. Cengiz looked at big billy "he is gonna take me..." he said "I cannot let him take you" big billy said "melinda's live is more important and you know it... please she needs you more then I do" cengiz replied big billy. He looked at him, sighing before he went straight to melinda.

HIM appeared "so see you FAILED at protecting melinda?" He said "YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU?" he yelled. Cengiz stood infront of archie protecting him he growled. "Well I am glad I WELCOME YOU BACK TO HELL" HIM laughed . The floor cracked and chains came out of this crack, penetrating the manticore. Cengiz roared in pain. Choughing up blood "LEAVE HIM" archie said the chains carried him up "he suffered enough" archie said. Cengiz looked down at his friend "archie..." he said "oh how emotional I COULD THROW UP!!! But since you are so close friends to each other I give you time to say GOOD BYE for the last time!" HIM SAID dropping the chains with the almost lifeless manticore hardly on the floor. "CENGIZ!!!" archie said. This fall caused his shatphtoth to fall down. He holded it. Archie hugged the dying manticore on the last power he gave the juman his tooth "give... this to... melinda... if she.... should survive the... crash... "he said in his breath. Archie took it "I will" he said. "This tooth will be a piece of mine... and...the sign ... of my love.... please... tell her... I love her...." he said. Archie noded "UGH TOO MUCH EMOTIONS HOW DISGUSTING!!! Well enough with the good byes" HIM said and tore the manticore in ghe crack where hell came from. Archie could just look at how his friend fell in the hell.

Big billy was done telling the story
"So... this is how it all happened" a blonde haired doctor approached to the nurse "miss sullyvan! What are you doing here? Youre shift is over" he said "I am sorry doctor glucose junior" the nurse said. She walked away. Big billy had his eye wide open "JUNIOR?! THE SON OF DOCTOR GLUCOSE?!" he yelled. "You are miss pawkins friends I assume?" He asked "yessss!" Snake said "is she going to be alright?" Grubber asked "Inhave the only way to save her with me" he said. He showed the shot of chemical U "well if you excuse me... I have to save someones live and get fired" he said and went to melinda's room.

Times later melinda's eye opened. She looked around. There was doctor glucose junior happy with the result "good morning miss pawkin!" He said the chihuahua looked at her "I am professor doctor Clucose junior and I completed the process from my father started at your age if 13th your powers are now fully functional and you will never worry about your condition" he explained Melinda stood up "it was a coincidence that you were brought in the hospital while I was working. You changed a lot in the process" melinda looked in the mirror of her room . It was datk. Only her reflection. She got shocked as she saw her eyes in a very different appearance. She had light hazel Iris. Her black pupil was surrounded in a very light turquoise. "Come on... try it out" the doctor said. Melinda looked at the flowers. Kenny was in the room before she woke up giving her flowers as get well soon and a apologize for not letting herself back. Reached the hands at her, concentrating at those flowers. She picked it up telecinetic. She was stunned "chemical U only works for your species. Regarding to your bloodline. Your future blood line will have the same powers no matter if they come from your partner or yourself" the doctor continued.
The gang green gang knocked at the door. The doctor opened. Big billy came in first. The doctor looked at the cyclops. "Well... this is the last time you'll see me" he said getting out big billy sat to her while the rest came in. "Hey..." big billy said "hey..." melinda replied "I ambreally sorry for the things I said... I should off protected you... " billy explained. Melinda stood silent "we all should" grubber explained. "Its fine..." melinda said. Archie came in. He looked sad "hey..." he said. "Where's cengiz?" Melinda asked. Archie came to her "I am sorry... he got torn back to hell" he explained. Melinda's eyes teared up "but he gave me this" archie continuef, giving her his tooth in a necklace "he really loved you. And he wants you to remember him" he said. Melinda started to cry. Big billy hugged her.

As melinda recovered the gangreen gang builded up a band for cengiz. Hus dream was being in a band one day and it never came true. Melinda as leadsinger with archie as bass, big billy as the drummer, snake the guitarist, lil arturo as keyboarder and grubber with the violin. They sang a song together as his farewell and for all of them to look forward.

Melinda was still depressed from aces death. But after all what happened she was ready to move on. She remembered a time where ace and her sat on the beach and melinda explained him about sending a message in a bottle to the ocean as a wish. Noth realised it was a stupid Idea. This time right this Idea came in her mind.
She wish her and the entire gang including ace being renorn and that melinda can live happily with him in the next live.

She and big billy came closer together then. Billy confessed her feelings to her and obe year after a relationship he proposed to her. They live ever after no matter how many times big billy hit his head and became stupid again. She loved him how he was they had a sweet daughter named Miramda jade williams. Who had both of the parcuilluar traits of her parents. She continued as the leader of a new gangreen gang lead by the offsprings of the gang. With snakes offspring Viper as her replacement

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