chapter 2 the funreal

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The time came to say a final good bye to our friend Ace. The Gangreen Gang gathered together with a few other people. For sample Archie sutton, who was friends with the Gangreen Gang. They met once in the streets as they got beaten up. Mojo jojo was invited too. Since he had some buisness with the gang in the past. Even the Powerpuff Girls came to the funreal its visible that they grew up. They fought the gang off alot. But even when they where rivals these girls felt sorry for the rest of the gang. At last there was Melinda. She was dressed in complete black. Usually she had her black turquoise cybergoth clothing on. But now only a black gothic dress. Not only this. She looked miserable. You can clearly see she had no sleep the past weeks. The gang looked at her in a shocked manner. Realizing how deeply she was attached to Ace's death. Even the Powerpuff Girls felt pity with her. She sat on a chair. Not realising she sat next to her celebrity Murdoc Niccals who got together with his Band invited either. He looked rather shocked, while the other band members were rather sad. Snake gasped at the fact where she sat. But she did not care suprisingly. She was too broken to respond. Fuzzy even came to the funreal. It was one of the times where the girls did not attacked the villians just to not ruin the funreal. Buttercup sat next to the broken Chihuahua.

The funreal began everyone gathered together first was mojo jojo "Ace... was a good buisness man with Mojo... at least he tried. But he was a good friend for Mojo. Mojo sorry to not seen it sooner" he said then was Noodles turn. She was in tears "Not only he was a good bass replacement while our bassist was in jail... He was a really good friend for all of us. Ace I just want you to let you know... you where the best friend I'd ever had" she cried. Then the rest of gorillaz. Murdoc made a big suprise as it was his turn " I've been known Ace since a while. Before the Gorillaz were formed to be exact. You may all wanna know how he came to the band? I asked him a favor after I came in jail for the first time. When anything would happen to me while  the band would be active like if I was in jail, getting hurt or who knows what would happen. He should be the bassist for the band." He said. Everyone in Townsville gasped. Melinda only perked her ears since her curiousity got her "As I was in the jail, Ace visited me. I gave him all the informations where they could meet. I was responsabil for him being in the band..." his voice got shaky "I had never thought he would do that. However. I am thankful he kept his promise..." everyone was suprised what Murdoc said. "Wow that must have rocked to be friends with someone from the Gorillaz" Buttercup whispered to Melinda. The chihuahua looked at the black haired girl "Isn't it your turn?" Melinda asked "oh you're right! Thank's mel!" She said and got to the stage. "I have something to tell you too..." Buttercup said. Everyone was silent since 80% of the funreal were villians. Murdoc bowed to Melinda "I don't know about that dead silent but bloody hell does she look hot! Are you friends?" He asked "you mean Buttercup?! She is even younger then Ace! We are sort of friends. We and the Powerpuff girls got along well since Ace came back from you" Melinda answered. "First of all... Ace was my first crush. But if anyone makes fun of it I would kick your asses off!" Buttercup said. Murdoc sat next to melinda with wide open mouth looking at the depressed canine "I did not even thought what a Jerk he was. But it all changed after he came back to Townsville. Yes we still sort of fought each other. But we got well along. I still not could forget how Sedusa treated the Gangreen Gang. I really felt pity. However as ace was gone for the gorillaz... I felt empty. I mean its not fun to beat up the Gangreen gang without to beat up Ace  other than that I know somewhere he was a nice guy. Wich he proves himself more than often. But more for that you will hear from my sisters... Buttercup out" she said and on that time Bubbles came. She grew out really mature. "What I can say is that the beating up with children and being the badass is usually in teenage phases... I understand Ace that he wants to prove himself as strong that way. But he also have a good heart when something is serious. According to one of my animal friends...." everyone looked straight up to melinda "she said he can be the most sweetest person ever when he wanted to. But maybe she comes to it herself later" Bubbles said. Melinda dropped her ears "It always was fun to mess with him. Its just sad I could not do it anymore. " Bubbles said. She got off the stage. Blossom came to the stage then "we might be all your enemys but we also could come in your funreal's as well. In all villians there is a soft corn like my sister Bubbles already  said. Ace proved himself more than often to be good. The whole gang helped us to defeat Sedusa after they stole the treasures for her, got softer after time and the most important thing. If something was really important to him then he could keep promise. More of that from Melinda... but I am pretty sure she would do her speech at last since she is the most attached to the situation...Ace... thank you for keeping this promise " Blossom said.  Now the gangreen gang hold up their speech all after one, thanking him how he was a great leader of the gang and how he would miss them. Finally Melinda came on the stage. She rambled "h...hi... I am Melinda... yet I am the newest member of the gang... and I am the biggest pain on their arses!" Melinda said and chuckled. The gang looked worried "however... the gang came to introduce me to Ace after he came back to his Gorillaz tour.. and before that I was actually close once still introverted to the gang... Ace really changed me back then..." she said. She dropped silent to take a huge breath "he was a really good person for me. He and the whole gang showed to be my best in my life wich I would not lose them. He even saved me for one point. Blossom told you I should explain you this... a few years ago as I really was freshly active with the gang... I made a deal with... HIM after my exboyfriend bullied me that even they would  leave me behind. You see I am a anthro dog and species like me don't get along with people these days. I was always alone until the gang showed up in my life. So I thought it was better to destroy all the harmony... after I got defeated by the Powerpuff girls the first time and convienced by the gang that there was still hope to have friends and to BE friends with them ace promised the girls to protect me in anyway he could. Wich he had proven to me since." She said. She went silent. Tears dropped out of her eyes and she holded her head "I am a selfish bitch I did not realised he could have suicidal thoughts... I could have helped him... That ARSEHOLE why... " she cried  falling above ace's coffin "now I would never tell you that I love you"

Everyone held their chest, getting attached to the dogs pain, feeling pity torwards her. Especially Buttercup who felt the same way for Ace in one time. Murdoc was just suprised at her as she mentioned she made a deal with him. He looked straight at her "you also made a deal with..." murdoc started "we prefer to not tell his name. We are only naming... HIM..." melinda said after she calmed down "look I cannot tell you in this state... just...lets trade our contacts and I am gonna tell you another time." Melinda said. They traded their numbers. Also Melinda had a chance to get all of the numbers of the band and they her's. As the coffin got carried by the gang the rest followed them crying. Melinda was the most one who cried.
They got a chance to see his body the final time. Giving him flowers. Buttercup gave Ace a punch for killing him self. Melinda. Kissed his cheek

That's it. It is time to say a last time goodbye to our lovely friend. Ace's coffin got closed by the deadman and he got buried. After the funreal Melinda headed her way alone. The gangreen gang followed her. They all went silent. She never spoke after the funreal. She was not even happy to have all the gorillaz in contacts. The gang were very worried at her.

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