chapter 5 HIM

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7:00 AM

The Alarm on melinda's phone ringed. The chihuahua who got hangover had her hardest time to get up. She slowly reached to the phone just to turn her off. Still numb from the alcohol she said "if I only was not able to wake up in this dark hole again wich is called life... " putting her blanket through her ears. She thought she could finally get in piece again. But after a moment her phone ringed again. She took it. It was Grubber calling her. She picked up. Numbly she said "hello?" "Why hello there, Melinda. I am just letting you know that I am comming to your house to look for you. " Grubber said "I am fine... don't you have anything better to do but to check on me everyday?" Melinda asked "no... nothing else is better then the mental health of a friend.... you better get ready! Its time for you to get some air" grubber said "I appreciate your caring... I really do... but now lets be honest... and I dont mean to be direct. But I really like that derpy Grubber wich was only able to burst out his tounge better then the Grubber I am talking to right now..." Melinda said "things get serious. And so am I... so you better get ready now... I only want the best of you... we all do" Grubber said. "Fine!... its only you, right?" Melinda asked "we'll see" Grubber said. After the statement he hung up. Melinda just looked at the void. She stood slowly up in defeat. She tripped on her Bucket wich was barfed on already. As she noticed the slimy dirty substance on her bare feet she just sighed "my life is getting better and better...... good thing that I am going to take a bath anyway" she mumbled to herself. She got to the bathroom wich was next to her bedroom. First getting ready, a step to the shower and so the water got turned on. She took a long time to clean off the dirt on her feet away. Also after the shower she took very long to dry her fur off. At last she made herself ready with her current clothing. Especially her jacket wich ace gave her. Right on time the door bell ringed. Melinda opened up. The dog widened her eyes what she haf to see. It was Grubber with the whole Band memebers of Gorillaz. Other then big eyes didnt came out. If she wasn't this miserable she would have screamed out her lungs as she saw them. But nothing. " I didn't thought you..." she started "It was my pleasure... lets go to the park." Grubber said. Melinda shut the door

The group walked to the townsville park. There were children playing around. Grubber had a good memory where he and his gang were about to beat up a child back then. Right before the Powerpuff girls could beat them up in the first time. "Ah... as we were young we always would make childrens lifes into nightmares. " grubber said 2.D already frowned while Noodle cringed a bit. Murdoc just noded in agreement "not a good time to think about... " Melinda answered Grubber looked at her " this is also the place where we met the first time" Grubber continued "ah yes... the good times" Melinda said "Murdoc, you got to ask Melinda something?" Grubber asked. Murdoc realized that ,"A-Ou yeah... I got a question... you were also the only one in the gang who actually made a deal with the devil?" Melinda stared at Murdoc in shock. So did Grubber "you cannot say his real name here! You could upset HIM" Grubber mentioned. 

"Its ok... Murdoc didn't know it... yes... I made a deal with HIM"Melinda answered "what is it about? " Murdoc asked "kind of uncomfortable story.... back then I thought I was on my own... it was the time right after the gang and I... even Ace became close friends. My exboyfriend upset me really hard. He humilliated me infront of them. So I ran off. HE could feel my sadness, my hate so he made a deal with me. We made a deal that everyone else had to feel the same pain as me ,  that everyone hated each other. And that I grew stronger also more hateful. It didnt included the gang and the Power Puff girls... so they all could be able to break the hatred in me. After that I was able to break out deal... why you ask?". All of the sudden the skies went red. A pink smoke appeared "oh dear he listened to us" Grubber said. Melinda shoved Grubber behind did the whole band exept Murdoc who stood next to the female dog "Mel', I can handle him!" Grubber said "trust me if I say you don't!" Melinda replied.

There he showed up just out of the fog... HIM "well well... what do we have here? All grouped up LIKE LITTLE RATS THEY ARE" HE said in his first lovely demonic tone turning to the angrier tone. He noticed Murdoc "Murdoc! I see you have a big sucess with your band!" HE said. Murdoc chuckled and noded "UNFORTUNATLY I AM NOT HERE FOR YOU" HE continued with his more angrier tone "tell me... What you want this time... HIM" Melinda asked "I HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOU!" Him said slingering around her. He surrounded her with the pink fog to do so "You feel pretty down lately... After ACE decided to turn his face to hell! " he continued "so? Why it should bother you in the first place?!" The dog asked. Looking right in HIS eyes. She showed no fear like last time they would have met "PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH! I see  you are messing with your life even when you don't need to! I am just here to bring good news to you! All your sorrows will be erased!" HIM said the group were surrounded of pink fog. They won't see any expecting thing what might happen. "Well... someone from my side volunteered to help you! He would take all your grief away you felt from this PATHETIC GREENSKINNED PEST" Him said while slithering around her like a snake. He holded his crablike hands on Melindas furry cheeks, holding her close "THE BEST THING I DIDNT HAVE TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU!!!
you really want to have a happy life back, am I right I can tell the PITIFUL REST of the Gangreen gang wants the same!" Him saig licking at her. Before Melinda could say someone else interrupted the party "Keep... your scissor hands... off her!" A voice said. The Hummerlike drag devil looked at where the voice came from. It was Big Billy, comming from his pet store duties. " that's right... keep your claws off her!" He said. His one eyed face told he was really serious "Well if isnt it BIG BILLY?! I am suprise of your evolve!" Him said "you didnt met the 'new Big Billy' yet. I understand I cannot mess with YOU!  But the gang as well as I made a promis YEARS ago to protect this precious dog from NO MATTER WHAT! So STAY AWAY FROM HER. " Billy yelled clenching his fist " I am not doing anything bad to her. I am just telling her someone volunteered to help her" Him said. "She has enough help she needs! Now back off" Billy said "ooooh I already made a deal.  Its not from her side so she doesnt even have to decide it" Him said "YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU DID WHAT?!" Big Billy yelled already about to punch him. But he dissapeared. So did the pink smokes and fogs. The heaven in townsville turned normal.

"damnit!" Big Billy said. Melinda looked at him in a minor shocked way. "I can't believe he could really backstab all of us..." Billy said punching a tree next to him off. He seemed very fustrated. Melinda held him back "calm down! There is nothing we can do..." she said "lets just hope he planned any good for you..." Billy said looking at the floor. Melinda noded. She looked at Billy "thanks for standing up for me... I thought he'd tried to make a new deal since he knows Ace's death" Melinda answered.

"I wonder what would come to much for asking how are you" Billy asked. Melinda looked up to him. She realised she was hangover and began to vomit on the floor. Grubber made a gesture to show Melinda's health, shaking his head. "You know...Alcohol doesn't really help you!" Billy said. Murdoc chuckled "its funny because she realised this right after dealing with HIM... wait... dogs aren't supposed to consume that shit!" he said "I thought he would look just as dangerous as he actually was... Now I start to question what we all believed" 2D mentioned a bit confused after he had to discover his look. Russel was just traumatized.  On that point everyone remembered Del, Russels old friend who died. On the time Gorillaz were founded his ghost was still with him om his head. Russel soon snapped out of it. Looking at Melinda. "I got some advice for ya... even though it hurts you need to move on. I am talking in mah experience" Russel said. Melinda still looked at the floor. "Well... we are better get going... before more sick shit happens!" Murdoc said. Looking back at Melinda "don't forget to message us princess! " Murdoc said . Melinda looked at the green bassist. She remembered Ace were used to call her like that " I will... " Noodle put her arm on her shoulder "I guess we will get along just fine" Noodle said. So the Band, Grubber, melinda and Big billy were saying the last time goodbye and walked on their ways.

Later the night Melinda sat again alone drinking her beers in sorrow at her home. She got a message. She wondered from who. She took her phone, looking at it.  the message came from Archie sutton, wich suprised her since he was melinda's first boyfriend.
-Hey, Mel's I heard about what you're dealing with. Our coolest bro Lil Arturo told us a few things about you so we thought you can spend time with us. Like old times.-
The text said. The relationship was very long time ago. Also she was completely over him. So was Archie. She could not find any problems at all spending time with Archie. Unless John and Sebastian her last boyfriend.   The canine texted back -sure... why not?- she texted. Another message arrived from Archie -cool dude! The others are burning to see you again!- Archie texted.
Melinda looked at the screen -we would expect you tomorrow in townsville park! Be ready- Archie texted.

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