chapter 7,5 memory's

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We didn't explained how Melinda met the gangreen gang. First of all she is an old friend of Ivy, Snakes sister and Kelly, an anthrofied red Panda bear hybrith. She met snake a couple times. Yet he wasn't interested in a anthrofied animal. But ine incident opened up his mind.

Melinda walked around the Townsville park. She saw a young woman approaching her. It was julie. Melinda shoved the human in ground "BUZZ OFF, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT" the dog barked. You see. Julie was with Melinda's brother Tom. The relationship went on five years until she simply cheated on him for a man who could be related to Mojo Jojo if he wouldn't be a human. That was how Melinda developed a big hate to the girl. She'd never gmforgace her "but.. I wanna start all over again.. we got along too well... I thought we were friends!" Julie said "friends....? FRIENDS?" Melinda laughed "it was all fake. In order to make my family happy. You were since we ever met annoying. Look at you how pathetic you are" melinda said,kicking the still lying  human on the head. She beated her up "WHY WONT YOU JUST DISSAPEAR FROM YOUTMR EXISTENCE?! EVERYBODY HATED YOU!!! DO WHY DON'T YOU SWIPE YOURSEÖF ODD THE EXISTANCE" Melinda yelled, beating her up. Julie ran away after she stopped. The rest of the gangreen gang. Before ace arrived from his gorillaz tour watched the whole event. Snake decided to approach to her. "Wow... I didn't thought you can be like thissss" snake said "snake! I am so sorry you saw me like this" Melinda said. "Whatsss? What you are talking aboutss? You were incredible! We could need someone in the gang!" Snake said "are you gonna do things like that for fun?" Melinda asked.  Big billy, little arturo and grubber nodded, replying in agreement. The dog shook her head " I am... getting violent for reasons! I like your offer, I am not that kind of a good girl. But come to think of it. unless you I got reasons why I am like that... I can offer you to come over my house! I have video games, horrormovies and shisha" melinda said. The gang looked at each other. Still determined about Melinda joining the gangreen gang.

So they got in her house. Then it was a little... chaotic like. Near the stairs there was the living room. With a couch, a table and a television. Next to the living room was the kitchen in one room. Upstairs it lead to the bathroom and the bedroom. "Wow... Ivy didn't lie as she told you had a home cinema" snake said. Melinda jumped on the couch to make herself confy "feel like home guys. Its much better then living in a wooden house near the townsville dumbster!" Melinda said "HOWSSSS DO YOU KNOW THAT" snake hissed "Ivy" she answered " Oh yeah.. my sister and you are friends" snake said. Melinda prepared the shisha "and here is my baby" Melinda said.  She took some stones, lighting them up, laying it on the top plates "hows did you know to prep them? I thought you were one of the lap dogs this power puff girl bubbles would like to cuddle" snake said. "I was also in a relation ship with archie. Right after I've been much around people smoking them" she answered. She looked up to the gang " wanna hear gorillaz?" She said.
Moments later they sat together, smoking shisha. "Gorillaz is a pretty cool band" snake said "yeah... my favorite member is Murdoc niccals... even though he is...old... he is..m hot.. especially at phase 2. Unfortunatly he is in jail. But his sub bass player is very good as well... I think his name is... Ace D copular wherever the D stands for" Melinda said. As the gang heared Melinda mentioning Ace they got suprised "oh so late? We gotta go!" Snake said, shoving the rest of the gang out of the doors. "Bye doggy" big billy said. Melinda got confused. Why that sudden rush?

From time to time the gang met more often at her house, watching movies, playing video games or anything else. Melinda would deny them walking around the city since it means the gangreen gang might cause havoc. But shed agreed going on bars with them or meeting up at their house. One day Snake texted her to meet her at the park. She should meet someone she'd deffenetly like. It didnt last long to convince her. She came in the townsville park. There was the gang. There was someone new. It was Ace.
Melinda freaked out "AHHHHH... HOW DO YOU GUYS GOT HIM HERE?!" Melinda asked "Well, I am the original leader of the gangreen gang" Ace said.  Later that day they gathered together at her house. Melinda smoked shisha Ace sat next to her "You know," Ace started "You are cool" he said "heh... thanks" melinda answered "Ive lost so many people in my life... my last group got torn away by my fourth ex... none of them want ever to deal with me again. Since then I am pretty much alone. " Melinda said "You are now with us" Arturo said. "Big billy make sure doggy is not hurt!" Big billy said.
Since then Melinda was officially in the gang

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