chapter 8 Changes

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At the next morning Melinda woke up. She was only very heavy able to stand up. Her head aged a bit. She kept dreaming about how she met the gangreen gang. Wich made her tearing up a bit. Next to her slept Cengiz. Rolled around like a kitten underneath the blanked. What happened last night?  However. Melinda still felt miserable. She walked to the bathroom, showering. While she did she realised something. As she got really high last night, she could feel happiness for once in a while. She started playing with the thought of doing drugs. What if cengiz knew a drug dealer?

It HAS to be the only way, making her happy again she thought. Her thoughts got ripped away as she heared a loud moan. A loud inhuman moan. She turned off the shower, rushing to her room. She stood with a blanked covered up her body and another her hair, looking for the noise. Cengiz was awake. He was already dressed up.  He looked like a shocked cat at the dog "morning" he said. Melinda got irritated. "What was that noise?" She asked. Cengiz Yawned. With the sound Melinda heared earlier, showing his teeth wich he covered with his left hand after. After that Melinda felt so stupid "you just... yawned..."she said "yup... last night was wild" Cengiz said. Melinda lowered her ears in confusion. "You mean how we smoke and getting high on LSD and all?" Melinda asked. Cengiz looked at her in a shocked manner "wait!... you don't remember what happened next do you?" He asked. Melinda slowly shook her head. But then she realized something. She asked Cengiz to stay. And then something naughty went up to her mind. She blushed as she realized what happened. Cengiz smirked. "So... " Melinda said, looking at the floor "I am a bad girl, am I" she asked. Cengiz just licked his lips "come on, princess" he said, standing up. He took on his jacked "lets meet Archie and the others" he continued, walking on her just to fluff at her.

A while later Melinda got all dressed up in her leather jacked. She and Cengiz went to the bar. They met the three boys on a seat. With them sat a anthromorphed female red panda. She looked straight up to Melinda "MEL!!!" She squeezed jumping at her,  hugging the dog. Cengiz started to growl instantly. "Kelly.." he said. Kelly got off Melinda "Cengiz..." she said. "You know each other?" Melinda asked "unfortunatly yes..." Cengiz said
"We had an unhealthy pact with him I dropped off." Kelly said "each time something bad happend to one of us happend to another aswell..." Cengiz said.  "Since then we cannot stand each other.... this is also why I dropped contact with stewie back then..." Kelly said she looked at Melinda "I heard what happened...I am completely sorry about what happened... hope you'll mive on from ace" Kelly said. Melinda's feelings came straight down again. She lowered her ears. She looked up to dout. "Uhm... may I talk to you?" She asked. Dout looked to the others stewie and archie noded. Dout stood up going with Melinda to the counter. She sighed "Do you know someone who is a drug dealer?" She whidpered . Dout got shoked "w...why you wanna know it?" He asked. "I need distraction... after I took the LSD or smoked weed I never have been so happy after Ace died... " she explained  "there is no way I-"dout started until Melinda interrupted "I have 200 dollars! You can get me Coccaine, morphine or heroine whatever. If it kills me I don't care" Melinda said. Doute sighed. "I will see what I can do" he said in defeat. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!"Cengiz yelled at the other side. He was fighting with kelly. His eyes where glowing in a orange tone. Archie tried his best to calm him down. Melinda ran up to Cengiz, holding him back aswell "CENGIZ" she yelled. His eyes turned normal again. But Melinda's eyeballs turned black with her hazel iris again. She got scared. Prepared to do anything to stop the fight. "Mel... I..." Cengiz said. "I don't care what your issues are with kelly. But even she is my friend... one of the closest I have..." Melinda explained she stepped a few steps back. "SWEAR you wont even cut off her hair and avoid her instead!" She said. Cengiz whimpered. He calmed down "y...yes..." he said. Melinda's eyes went back to normal. She turned around. Kelly was in fear. "Kelly... are you ok?" She asked. But she ran off. "What happened?" She asked "take her time... she probably never saw Cengiz this angry" Archie said. He was thinking for a while until he realized something "come to think of it... Nobody did" he continued "he kind of reminds me on you when you get mad." Stewie said. Cengiz felt so busted again.

A while changed. Melinda spended more time with Cengiz, Archie and the rest of the crew. The gangreen gang didn't seemed to like it. The female dog started to do drugs. She was chasing after the purple dragon for all of her questions being answered. In a certain meaning. She took Heroin, becoming addicted to it.
She felt even worse and worse without realizing it. The gangreen gang blamed Cengiz for it. Even though he had NEVER to do with it all.
At that night grubber came to melinda's house. There she lied. Miserably on the  couch, panting. Her eyes moved in swirls from black to hazel. She twitched. "MEL!" grubber said. She looked up to him. Her heart beated really fast. "This is going straight too far! You are killing yourself!" Grubber said. She crawled down from the couch. She wanted to grab grubber's coat. Grubber moved back. "You... have no Idea.... how I am feeling... it is the only way... " she said "calm down... can't you see this is killing you?!" Grubber said. Melinda's lips curled into a snarl "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!! MY FRIENDS ABANDON ME, THE ONE I CARED THE MOST DIED AND SPENDING TIME WITH YOU WOULD BE DANGEROUS TO YOU ALL!" she yelled. She stood up. Wantin to attack Grubber. Instead she ran against the edge. Now she curled herself. She began to cry "MY LIFE IS SHIT!!! WHERE EVER I GO ITS ENDS UP GETTING NOTHING!!!" She cried even more. "Don't be so STUPID! Cengiz ch-" grubber started as Melinda lost conchiousnes. She got a seizure. Grubber called the ambulance.

Later on she got into the hospital.
She was on detauxe the whole gang gattered infront of her room. Billy paced "William..." Grubber said "Whats the point? This redhaired son of a bitch changed her completely. If I see him, I am gonna tell him what I think for his manipulation." Billy said  "I KNOW he is the one who is with the deal of HIM! This lion lookalike is the guidance to melinda's death!" Billy said.  The doctor came out of the room "alright boys... you can get in... but please don't upset her more... not only she used drugs... she has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The rest of it you don't wanna know" he said. Billy shoved the doctor to side. Melinda looked miserable. Her eyes didn't circled. But she appeared greyer then usual.
"I am dissapointed in you!" Billy said. Melinda looked at him. She had shiwn no mimic at all "I get it. You need distraction... we all do... it doesn't mean you can take any drugs! Where is the sweethearted Melinda we ALL know and loved?!" Billy asked. Melinda tried to say something "I.... I..." she said. "I bet Cengiz corrupted you!" Billy said. The gangreen gang lashed out in agreement. "He.... didn't had to do.... anything about that..." Melinda said with her scratchy voice. Billy's eye wided out " I never asked him for doing drugs... he never offered me" she explained "you all get him so wrong. I understand you all cannot trust him right after HIM came up after Ace's funreal. But he is nothing to blame for... the day I spend time with Archie, Dout, stewie and the snakes... made me feel happy after the first time... I thought it could make me happy! "Melinda said the whole gang was shoked.  "So... you had this Idea all along alone?... this thought is dumb! Why would ANY drug help you? It makes you worse... I don't recognize you again! Normally you'd avoid this... no... YOU EVEN TOLD ACE TO DON'T DO IT... now look at you... you are just pathetic right now!" Melinda teared up "I am so done with this... only come back when you ger your mind clear again" billy said. He teared up and walked away. The other gang followed him. Only grubber looked back at her in one sight. And walked away aswell.

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