chapton 1 the beginning of a grey life

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Some months ago the Gangreen Gang and Melinda were heading to their shed in Townsville dumbster. Ace did not came to the things he might have done for our shed. They gullibly believed in that since they trust their leader. As they got into the shed they called they were back like you normally would do "We are baaack" Big Billy said happily. No answer. Normally Ace would come right to the Gang telling what he had done or what a great idea he had to cause trouble in Townsville. Not today. Snake became worried about "Normally he comesssss exited to usss" he said putting out his snake tounge. Melinda had just the same feeling as Snake "lets look for him! Something is not right!" She said. The Gang seperated. Lil Arturo looked in the bedroom. He struggeled with the locked door "Guys! I think I found him" he said with his mexican accent. Everyone gathered to the door to the bedroom.  "I cannot open it!" He said. "Big billy will open" Big Billy said. Everyone came out of the way as he ran across the door, breaking it open. He was the first who came in the room. Ace laid on his bed. His clothing still on. He was not moving.  Big Billy stumbled to him "wakey wakey!" He said. Everyone were shocked. Arturo began to cry quickly. Melinda ran fastly to him, trying to wake him up. His lips had a greyish tone of turquoise. Also he was even almost less green then usually. "ACE YOU BETTER WAKE UP! DONT DO THAT TO US" Melinda screamed. She began to cry in panic. Grubber noticed a note. He grabbed it and readed it. "This... this can't be true  ... THIS CAN'T BE" Melinda screamed realising Ace was death "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE WHY ARE YOU DOING  THIS!?" she screamed. Snake came closer to the desperate chihuahua just as grubber. They also could not believe what their leader just did. He commited suicide. Melinda ran out of the shed followed by Big Billy. Lil Arturo curled himself into the corner crying. While Snake called an ambulance. Grubber comforted Lil Arturo even if he was just traumatized as everyone was .
The ambulance came. They told the three left over boys in the shed that there was nothing to do for him, picking up his corpse. Snake read the note.

-dear friends

I am sorry! I just can't do this anymore.
There is a lot of emptyness in my life and this hole grows much bigger.
You probably would find me death by now you found that note.
I am sorry for what I did to you and the town! You have no Idea what a miserable person I was.. 
It is not because of you. Please don't blame yourself. I just had to go.
Please take care of yourself. Also please watch for Melinda...

Love you guys.

Snake hit his face "you sssson of a bitchsssss why"
Arturo was still in tears "we could have helped him!" He said "yessss.... letsss better lookss for Big Billy and Mel'ssssss"snake said. Lil Arturo got suddenly very silent "What'ssss wrong?" Snake asked "There... is a thing Melinda has tell no one about... exept of me... " Arturo said "what iss it?!" Snake asked "Senjora chihuahuaeno... had a crush on Ace..." Lil Arturo said "We all knowss that... come on guys... letssss find them" snake said

They came in the Townsville park because there they met that female dog the first time. Big Billy was looking for her too "Doggy?! Doggy! " he shouted the others came across the big green man "where is she?" Lil arturo asked. Grubber made his silly tounge sound showing at a tree covered with bushes next to him. They could hear crying.  As they sneaked inside the bushes they found a Melinda curled into a ball. The boys tried to comfort her. But everyone knew Melinda was psychially broken.  She loved Ace so deeply and wanted to confess her feeling when the time came. But now she couldn't. After the failure of comforting the chihuahua she came right away home. Until the funreal she never faced them. The only thing what might keep her at least happy. Was a gift Ace gave her in her birthday. It was a leather jacket covered in spikes and buttons. On the back it was the Ace sign with an A on it for Ace. She dressed it up. Tears fell down again. Why would Ace just kill himself? When he had said something she could help him. She felt guilty for it leaving him die.

escape from realityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora