chapter 3 grief

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Melinda got down hill again. She lied on her bed, still griefing at Ace's death. She was blaming herself. But his dead did not only affected her. Lil Arturo had to rediscover his trauma again after his parents died. And Snake developed himself anxiety. Grubber had to be in his second state permanently since he realised how serious this all was. Big billy was the only one trying to take care of Melinda by comforting her. She layed her head on Billy's lab. He seemed to be fed up with what a wreck Melinda became. "Enough..." Big Billy said, picking her up "Doggy and Big Billy need to get outside!" He said "b...but" Melinda said "no buts! Doggie needs to get fresh air and stop being a crybaby!" Big billy said "kay... but can you please bring me to my jacket at least... the one with spikes and the Ace  sign on the back?" She asked "yup" Big Billy answered. He brought her go her favorite jacket. She got dressed "so... I am ready... I guess!" Melinda said. And so Big Billy grabs her on the wrist, picking her up just ro place her on his shoulder. "Doggy should meet the Gangreen gang again! Gang miss doggy!" Big Billy said. The chihuahua sighed "whats the point? They don't even care... " melinda said. Big Billy bursted the exit door open. Normally Melinda would complain about that. But since Ace died she even wont care about her house being taken away. She just looked at the ground, whimpering. Billy met the Gang in the Townsville dumbster, cleaning off the room of their decased friend.

Snake was the first one noticing the two. He came across them amazed at Melinda comming here "Mel, you came ssss!" He said. Melinda just noded slowly as respond. "We are jussst done with some stuff..." Snake hissed "hey Grubber! Mel'ssss back" snake yelled Melinda sighed. Lil Arturo who helped snake by bringing out trashes came across them "yo Seniora Cihuahuaeno, long Time no see." He said. After the anthropomorphed dog sighed one more time Big billy sat her on the floor "Doggy Don't be sad! the Gangreen Gang sad too" Big Billy said.  At that time Grubber came out. His appearance was very different since she had seen him. "Oh hello there! Many weeks had passed since last time" grubber said. He had a british accent. "I...I guess. ." Melinda answered. Grubber rubbed her head "its hard,I know... we all miss him... but please cheer up... lifes keep going" Grubber answered. Melinda just looked at the floor. "Yo Guys! How a'bout going to the Bar we usually go? "Lil Arturo said. Everyone noded.

As they reached the Bar they ordered some drinks. Melinda snagged many beers while the others known their limits. Especially Big Billy who ordered just water. "So..." Grubber started "how are you doing?" He asked. "Hah... fine... just like always" Melinda answered. Everyone were worried about their furry friend. "I am working at a night club! You can visit me if ya want" Lil Arturo said Melinda took another glass if beer "m-maybe" she started to get drunk. "Mel'sss are you ok?" Snake asked. "I AM.......FINE....I...think" the dog answered.

The condition of Melinda sunk very much as she saw some guy sitting with a few others on a table in the edge "oh no...." Melinda said. "What is it,mon?" Lil Arturo asked "its John..... He was my classmate on highschool..... because of him I was mentally unstable" Melinda explained "you better don't tell ssssshit to us....what had he done'ssss?" Snake asked. Melinda started to howl and cry. Everyone noticed that. "HE BROKE MY HEART" she cried "wow, we are sorry to hear-" Grubber started as big billy stood up "William?" Grubber asked. But Big Billy didn't answer. He stombed right to John. The gang could visibly see his anger as he came to John he could just stare at him. "Can I help you?" John asked "did you make doggy sad?" Big Billy asked.

John clearly had no clue what Billy was talking about "excuse me, what?"  He asked. But Billy grabbed him on the shirt pulling him up to his eye. "You made Doggy cry! And Big Billy don't like when friends are sad" he said bailing his fist on the human. John was very confused. His expression explained much. "Isnt it because of Ace being dead?" John asked. This was the last straw. Billy tossed him against the wall. But little did he know on the wood wich was holding the ceiling was a vase. The vase fell on his head after the green guy pushed the poor man against the wall. Billy's head got hit. He fell on the ground. He passed out. Melinda became sober, rushing to the big unconchious man. The dog paniced. Billy lied here breathing heavily. Snake called an ambulance, having one of his Anxiety attacks. Melinda could really not loose another one of his friends. She cried in tears that Big Billy should wake up. Grubber and Arturo tried their best to calm her down.

The Ambulance came, bringing their friend to the hospital. Melinda was in the Ambulance aswell worried sick for him. She was afraid of the worse what might happened. On the waiting room her thoughts worsened. The whole gang was here keep trying to calm her down. During the time she made a decision. Since she took the blame for Big Billy being hit on the head and for Ace commiting suicide its the only best thing of her to leave the Gangreen gang once and for all.

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