chapter 10 glitching

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Melinda got fully recovered from the use of drugs. Still she felt even worse since the night she had a fight with Big billy and the gang. Yet one question is in mind. This deal of HIM where Cengiz should protect melinda wasn't like the other deals like manipulating, full of hatred or migjt cause to take someone to his side forever. Or sharing rhe pain like te deal with Kelly and Cengiz in the past.  She would just cut her arm just to know if HIM just had delivered their old deal. But then she realized if it really was like she thinks, cengiz had the same trip or seizure just to because he made the deal. Also yet she still lied in the bed. The doctor came in "Miss Pawkin, today you are gonna be released from the hospital." He said. The female dog noded "We expect you to be done in ten minutes.we have a new patient and this room shall be ready for them.  Your boyfriend is now in the waiting room, waiting for you" the doctor said. The doctor left. Melinda prepared herself for the out going. She still had the jacked Ace gave her a while ago. She took her bag, going outside.

Cengiz already awaited her. Melinda hugged him. She cried instantly "please just promise to not do this for yourself..." cengiz said. He shaked. Melinda looked up to her "I know you have to protect me... and I am willing to accept..." she said. Cengiz noded. "I told dout and steward to not try to give you drugs anymore... and I hid my bon... that's the least I can do for you" cengiz explained. Melinda's phone ringed. It was a message. Melinda took out her phone. It was noodles message >>hey mel! Wanna hang out with us? We just met a funny monkey who was also questioning about her state<< the message. "Its noodle! We should hang out with the gorillaz!" Melinda said. Cengiz eyes widen "no way!!!" Cengiz said Melinda smirked. She knew that he wouldn't believe her. She texted her back. >>sure<<

At the park Melinda already saw the band. Mojo jojo suprising was with them. Noodle hugged the chihuahua straight up. While murdoc petted her head "you scared us all you bloody dog" he said "you knew about my drugs issue? Melinda asked shocked "william w williams was really worried about you, so he told us straight away what happened. The gang just couldn't see you like that anymore" 2d explained mojo had a scanner with him "something you all need to know" mojo said. He took on the scanner on melinda. Cengiz growled straight up at melinda he took a look at it after he scanned the dog "as mojo thought" he said "yo don't tell she is disfunctional" russel said "what's going on?" Melinda asked. She was really confused "your project was incomplete" mojo said. Melinda was confused "your prozess at the Laboratory wasnt complete.  And if you stress too much this can kill you" Mojo said. Melinda was about to panic "stay calm... your sanity is lower then you think now... the seizure wasnt caused from morphine... " Mojo explained. Cengiz breathed through "good thing that she was on detaux anyways" he said in his breath "You should avlid everything that is stressful! I informed the gangreen gang and your other friends about this. Everything can and will turn you on the evil side again... this time without hims help "  mojo explained. "Is there anything to complete her?" Cengiz asked. Melinda shaked "the only thing to fill me is to bring back to the laboratory mojo saved me..." melinda explained. "Doctor clucose was senteced to death a year after the incident" mojo answered cengiz holded melindas hand really tight "I am gonna take care of her as good as I can... looks like I am gonna be the service dog" cengiz said. He tried to hoke around in this very serious situation but this wouldnt help. He still felt very worried. "You better. HE... will undisguise you when you fail" Mojo jojo explained "lets change the subject! are you guys up to chwck out townsville?" Melinda said "yeah a walk can probably distract me" cengiz said. Murdoc bowed down to the dog "I dont know if you noticed but that redhair is weird..." he whispered "I heard that!" Cengiz growled

They went to the city. They walked into a cafe "this is where I used to work" Melinda explained. She spot bubbles and big billy having a nice break. Mojo jojo took the time to interact with billy "hello" he said. Bubbles stood up, ready to attack "sit down, bubbles he just have news about melindas condition" billy said "it doesnt look good for the chihuahua. She shouldn't get into stressful situation. Her powers are unstable and incomplete. Her sanity is really low. " he said. Bubbles gasped. Big billy looked at the seat the others sat. "I am gonna have a talk to someone" billy said. He stood up and reached to cengiz "hey..." he said. Cengiz looked at her "I am sorry for my mistrust... can we talk alone?" He asked

Cengiz and billy took a seat alone. "So... what is this deal about?" Billy asked. Cengiz sighed "melinda is the only one keeping my sanity... me and him tried it witj kelly wich was just bad... we shared our pain. Now the deal is all about to keep her save. Preventing her from death... if this fails... I-" cengiz started "you turn into a monster destroying everything?" Big billy took the words from cengiz "my friend snake has seen your real form in a trip... youre a manticore " big billy said cengiz noded "I am the last lone to ve exact. My race has gone enxtinct a long while ago. No one had to find out about my real form... the humans from persia wanted to hunt me down. I had been in hell but Him gave me another chance and btought me to townsville... in my human disguise." Cengiz explained. "I feel sorry. " Billy explained. Cengiz sighed. He felt really stressed after the news melinda was unstable "just please... whatever happens to me... will you take my place and protect her?" He asked. Billy was confused "why you asked?" Billy asked "I am afraid I can't do this alone" he teared up "I am trying my best and its not only because of this fucking deal anymore... I... I really like her a lot and in the meantime I swore myself to protect her... but its not enough... she is to unstable right now" cengiz voice got shaky after he explained that. Billy reached out his hand to him. He smirked "we stuck in longer then you" he answered. Cengiz smiled in relief. They gave a high five at heach other holding their hands. They released it. This was a truce between cengiz and the gangreen gang and a promise made long time ago. "I am gonna tell my people to join you guys. We all stuck in together" big billy called after cengiz as he returned to melinda. Noodle gave her thumbs up. "So... how does a dog even had a job like that?" Murdlc asked "anthropomorphed animals have the same right as humans I guess... ask mojo jojo he is really good at technique." Melinda said. Mojo jojo blushed and laughed.  "Hey guys I know what we are gonna do this night!" Noodle said. Everyone looked at her "we should go to the night club." Noodle said. "Sounds nice " russel said "yeah a little party should take me up" melinda said "I am interested in Aces friends anyways" murdoc said "yeah, me too" 2d said. "Then its a deal! We should go there"

At the night everyone was in the club 
Archie, doute and steward, the gangreen gang, the powerpuff girls and Ivy and Kenny. Everyine was here. The gangreen gang apologized to Cengiz once again for blaming him for the certain things. And together they watched that melinda wont take any alcohol in her. Everyone had to do their part. Melinda sat on the desk lil arturo was working "yo mel! I see you are doing well!" Lil arturo said "we are trying our best to get my sanity up. Any little stress can trigger me" melinda said "after our little fight Mojo jojo reached out for us, telling about you being kidnapped?" Arturo asked. Melinda noded. I once only told ace about my past... I didn't know if I can tell all of you... I didn't want you to be concerned about me" the chihuahua explained. "I am not supposed to tell you this but there is someone knowing about the chemical U project. He is working at the hospital. He has the chemicals but he wont use it for no reason. " lil arturo whispered melinda's ears perked "how am I gonna get to the chemicals?" She asked. A huge ruccus was to hear. Cengiz was at kenny again. Archie tried his bet to hild him back and so did big billy "seriously can't you guys just avoid each other?!" Ivy said. "NO" cengiz and kenny said in choir "you guysss are gonna ssstressss out melinda! Remember whats we talked aboutss just now!" Snake explained. Cengiz released himself from the boys and punched kenny. She stood up "YOU WANT THIS THE HARD WAY?! LETS TAKE IT OUTSIDE" kenny said. Everyone were rushing outside. Lil arturo tried to hold back melinda but she just couldnt bare to do nothing while her closest one were into a fight. The two were fighting. Melinda just stood there, watching it. This stressed her out too much. Her eyes flickered in hazel and blue. Everyone stopped as they realized what happened to melinda "mel' calm down!" Kenny said. Melinda wasng hust here anymlre. She attacked the panda who blocked her attack with her arm. Mojo pulled her back wich made her release from the bite. She started chasing the monkey. Cengiz and the gangreen gang ran after her while the rest took care of the poor panda in trauma.

Melinda stopped chasing Mojo jojo, running in circles cengiz came closer "princess please" melinda holded her head as cengiz was trying to reach to her. She ran to the streets.
A car came near her as she reached the streets.
It crashed

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