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Hello! Before yall read this, I just want to apologize because it is also very short. But, good news, I have more incoming....FULL LENGTH...chapters. At least 2000 words each (like the good ol' days). As an apology for the short chapter, I am going to give sneak previews of the incoming fanfics. The next part will explain more. 


(Cassie POV)

My throat was...sore. No, not like that, but let's just face the facts; I'd been doing a lot of yelling and crying in the past day. Yes, JJ apologized, and we were sort of a thing at that point, but I'd lost my voice the day after they sent me home from the hospital. So not only was I a cripple, but I was also a mute.

JJ, being the "gentleman" he was, offered to talk to people for me when I needed something, and of course, I believed him.

But then he went around and made my life miserable, and even though it was funny, I refused to let him know that.

Whenever I croaked something to him for him to relay to everyone else, he completely disregarded it and pretended I said something outrageous.

"What, Cassie? You don't like asian people?" He teased.

"JJ," I squeaked. "You know what I said."

He leaned down. "What was that, Mouse? You'll have to speak up."

I playfully hit his chest and he laughed, causing the others to laugh, too. I stood from my spot next to him on the couch and grabbed my crutches, going to get the bottle of water by myself.

"Cassie, I was kidding, I'll get it," He quickly pushed himself off of the couch and came to me, and I grinned. Ever since he'd confessed his feelings for me, he'd been very protective of me, and any time I ever got up to do something, he made a big deal about it.

I cleared my throat. "I have to get up sometime."

He picked me up bridal style, causing me to drop my crutches on the ground. He was so dramatic, but it was so cute.

"You'll get up when your leg is better," He set me down on the couch before walking away, and Simon looked over at me when JJ went into the kitchen.

"He's never like this," He grinned. "It's nice to see him so..."

"Nice?" I smirked as he nodded.

"It's true," Ethan said from his spot on the floor. "You would think he's a completely different person now."

"He probably just feels guilty," I admitted. I was still having trouble convincing myself that JJ actually had feelings for me.

"What did you say?" Harry asked from the other side of the room. "Shall we get your translator back?"

I widened my eyes with a grin and started shaking my head. I turned to Vik. "Please be my new translator, Vik."

"What? You want me to tell them that you snort cocaine?"

Everyone burst into laughter and I put my head in my hands. "Noo, not you, too."

JJ plopped back down into his spot next to me and slung his heavy arm around my shoulders, handing me a bottle of cold water. "Here you go."

"Thanks," I leaned against him. "We're quite the pair, aren't we?"

He chuckled, remembering that day in the closet as vividly as I did. It was the day we truly realized just how different we were from one another. He'd said those words to me in the mess of an argument, but for some reason saying it under this circumstance gave it a whole new meaning.

"We are," He kissed my cheek. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

I bit my lip to keep a dumb grin from forming on my face. "You're a nerd."

"Me?" He laughed. "You took my line."

"You are," I giggled. "You may think you're not, but you are."

"Hm," He twirled a strand of my hair around his finger with a smile. "Maybe you're right, Bookworm. I guess that means we're not so different after all."

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