Jealousy Makes for Poor Choices

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I'm practically vibrating by the time he finishes, and getting envious looks from the people who picked up on the fact this song was meant for me, and me alone. Although I guess it wasnt really hard to figure out, because he had his eyes glued to me the whole time, smiling and throwing in the occasional wink.

"Japser!" I hear someone whisper-scream into my ear. Alice is looking at me, her arms crossed. 

"It's late. lets go." She grabs my arm and halls me to my feet. She tries to drag me out the door, but I slam on the breaks and give her a look.

"It would be rude of me to leave without saying goodbye to Lennon." I shake off her grasp and turn around, slamming into Lennon. Since I was so much shorter than him, my face was burried in his chest. 

"Omph! Sorry" I back away and try to hide my scarlett cheeks. 

"The faults mine" He smiles and my heart melts a little. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Alice walking to the back of the cafe. Maybe she's going to the bathroom, I decide. 

'Want to take a seat?" He gestures to the spot closest to us. I sit, trying not to fall on my face for once. He takes the seat beside me and folds his hands infront of him. 

"You played a beautiful set" 

"Thank you, that is a giant compliment coming from the best snger-guitar player in our school." He smiles.

"Is that an atempted flattery?" I raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Ah, can't ever put anything past you, Japser." He sips his coffee. 'But I speak the truth, honest." he gives me what I assume to be his you-can-trust-me-look. 

"Okay, I believe you." I smile at him and look around, trying to decide if I should bring up the song he wrote. I decide against it. "How did you find this place?" I ask, gesturing around me. 

"Well I've been playing downtown since 7th grade, and word travels fast around here. Store owners talk, and I guess they thought our band was worth booking." He says all of this in a selfless way, not stuck up like some people would. 

"I see. I only ask because I need to book some gigs soon, or my bandmates will get antsy. They put me in charge of that. They say its because of my charm." I flick my hair at this, pretending to be sexy. This makes Lennon laugh, and I'm instantly pround of myself for getting this far without ruining something.

"Oh, I don't doubt your charm." he smiles and looks at me, suddenly serious. "It's definetly working on me." He pauses "Jasper, I--" 

What he's about to say I don't know, because one of Lennons bandmates comes out from the back room, running towards us.

"Dude! Jack's having a hot makeout-sesion with some chick! They were talking for like five minutes, and then she just randomly asked him to makeout with her! Duuuude she's so hot! Come see this!" He waves his arms frantically and gestures for us to follow. Then it clicks. Alice walking into there a while ago. 

Oh no. 

I push my way to the back were I walk in on-hey look at that- Alice sitting on the lap of this Jack guy, pounding shots and  tounge wrestling with a total stranger. This is the only downside about having Alice as a friend, if attentions being given and she's not in the center, she'll find a way to get some. I've come to expect this frim her, but I'm a little alarmed. I run out of the room, and Lennon catches me by my elbows. 

"Jasper, you okay?" He looks down at me with concern and I feel a little better. 

"Its just.... the hot chick making out with your... er.. friend is... my best friend. And she's hammered and.. and..." I'm talking rapidly, and Lennon has to shush me. 

"Jasper, don't worry" He says sympahetically. "I can give you a ride home, no problem." He smiles. Oh Lennon, can't you see what a mess I am? Not worth the trouble. I think to myself. but I just smile greatfully and sit down. 

'I guess I should let her... finish.." I mumble.

"Fine by me, that just means I get to spend time with you." he beams, and I roll my eyes at him, trying not to show my smile. He goes up to the bar and orders something, then comes back with two steaming cups. He sets them down in front of me, and I look at him suspisiously, taking the one closest to me. Just from the smell I know he got it right. 

"How did you know?" I raise my eyebrow. 

'Not hard to pick up on things if you pay attention," he laughs a little. "You'd be amazed at what I know"

"Okay, spill." I challange.

"Okay... Well your music insperation comes from Stevie Nicks, Courtney Love, Janis Joplin, Florence, and-- I was shocked at this--Pink. Country music is your least favourite out of all music genres, you like Robert Plant and have him all over your locker, and have a cat named Robert becuase of your unhealthy obsession with this singer." He chuckles a bit at that "You've played guitar since you were six and have been in a band since 8th grade. Your grades are quite impressive, exept in religion, but that is only because you argue every point the cinical old teacher makes." He inhales dramatically, and I applaude him.

'Bravo! Bravo!" I laugh. 'How did you find all this out?"

"Your friends are very informative." He winks.

"Ah, by informative you mean blabber mouths."

"Yeah. That." I laugh and he moves closer, looking at me intently. My breath becomes uneven and I think he notices, because he chuckles under his breath. "I think your friend is done sucking face, I should get you home." His eyebrows knit together, and he sighs. Just then Alice stumbles out, looking around for her purse. I get up and find it for her, because she's obviously not going to do it on her own.

"Alice, Lennon is going to give us a ride home. He'll drop you off first." She simply nods and follows us to his car. Walking out, I stumble and almost faceplant, but Lennon grabs my hand and steadys me.  No one says anything the whole way home, but Lennon holds tighly onto my hand as he drives.

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