Hello, Jazz

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I could hardly sleep last night. 

This was mostly because of Lennon, but I was also worried about Alice. Her mother was at work when she got home last night, but she would be able to tell from Alice's hangover that she had been hammered. As mad as I was at her, she didn’t deserve all the trouble I knew she would get.

I walked downstairs and tried to grab breakfast, but my mom blocked me.

"How was last night?" She has a stupid sly grin on her face, the I-know-what-you-did-last-night smile.

"Fine, I had a good time. Well…. Until Alice got hammered. But Lennon was a prefect gentleman, and I had a good time with him" I say matter of factly. She puts her arm around me and we walk to the kitchen.

"I'm glad you met somebody. Every other guy you run screaming from. What makes him different?" 

"I'm not sure… he's just…. So… never mind. I cant even explain it." I smile and without thinking my cheeks go red. My mother just smiles knowingly and makes us eggs for breakfast.

Lennon texts me an hour later, and my heart flutters. I curse myself, knowing I'm already in too deep with him. My mom was right, I didn’t run screaming and now that I know just how much I like him, I have to take a step back. I cannot be distracted by boys at this time. I have to finish school and get the hell out of here.

Lennon/Hello Jazz

Jasper/Hello Lennon. How did you get your name, btw. I was wondering.

He takes a second, and I assume he's writing a whole paragraph about it.

Lennon/Well you know John Lennon, right? I'm assuming you do because you like all the other awesome rock stars that have blessed us with there music. My parent worshiped him. They decided that if they ever had a boy, they would call him Lennon to commemorate him and his fine music.

Jasper/ That’s actually pretty cool

Lennon/ I know. So, Jazz… are you busy later tonight?

Jasper/Not in any way.

I curse myself again. I should have said that I was, I should have blew him off. But the weird things was, for once I didn’t want to. I actually wanted to go out with this boy.

Since we both had iPhones, I knew when he was typing. The icon appeared, then left, then came back, then disappeared again. I was about ready to rip my hair out. Why couldn’t he just respond already!!!

Lennon/Would you like to go on a date with me?

Jasper/Do you think me the kind of girl who accepts dating offers through text? I like things the old fashion way. Ask me in person.

I press send then regret it. Was that too harsh? What if I scare him away?

Lennon/On my way then ;)

My heart stops. Apparently that was not too harsh at all.

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